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Meilleurs restaurants gastronomiques à Tucheng District

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16 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 游壽司 麗水店
Prix : raisonnable
• Japonaise • Da'an District
Réservé 5 fois aujourd'hui
{ 游壽司-訂位公告 }?用餐方式(只有吧台)午餐定食綜合定食$480握壽司定食$450散壽司定食$480晚上配菜(Omakase)平均價位$2,500上下(當天搭配的食材計價)本店酌收10%服務費*訂位保留10分鐘*遲到視同取消*本餐廳以生食為主*如有小朋友請在留言處告知幾歲*不收美國運通卡*只接受三周內的訂位*每週一固定公休*中午用餐以 [午餐定食] 爲主 如需調整 [配菜Omakase] 的用餐方式 或10人以上及包場 請透過電話☎️02-2391-9298 於營業日10:00-15:30/17:00-21:30之間來電詢問 上述狀況,不接受網路訂位,敬請見諒*由於座位及食材已提前為您 保留及安排如有任何異動,請提前來電通知*訂位成功後,您將收到”簡訊通知” 訂位前1天會再次收到簡訊 簡訊內附連結,請點選連結,確認訂位或取消訂位 沒有回覆,訂位將會自動取消?取消費用的產生*6人以上(包含6人) 須於用餐日前1天取消 用餐日取消,將收取消費50%-午餐定食-$250/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1250/人*包場須於用餐日前3天取消用餐日前1天取消,將收取消費50%-午餐定食-$250/人-配菜(Omakase)-$1250/人用餐日取消,將收取消費100%-午餐定食-$500/人-配菜(Omakase)-$2500/人*1人以上(包含1人)未出席用餐 當天聯繫不到,也未來電取消 將收取消費100%-午餐定食-$500/人-配菜(Omakase)-$2500/人*如您是透過網路訂位 有任何問題 請撥電話到店內更改 避免「取消費用」的產生
Photo du restaurant Impromptu by Paul Lee
Prix : très cher
• Américaine • Zhongshan District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
【Reservation Notice】-Impromptu by Paul Lee offers Chef's Impromptu Omakase at NT$3980 per person, exclusive of beverages and service charge. To present the most authentic flavors of the season, ingredients are subject to change only for allergy concerns or religious dietary restrictions. Please respect the chef's original concept as we do not accommodate individual preferences.-Reservations open on the 1st of each month for bookings two months in advance (e.g; bookings for August 1st to October 31st open on August 1st, and bookings for September 1st to November 30th open on September 1st). In-line reservations are available for the current month only (e.g; reservations from August 1st to August 30th open on August 1st).-Due to ingredient preparation requirements, walk-in additions are not accepted. Any changes to reservations must be made in advance by contacting the restaurant.-Upon successful reservation, a confirmation SMS will be sent. Please complete credit card authorization within three days. Authorization is solely for reservation guarantee and will not be charged. Failure to complete authorization within three days may result in reservation cancellation.-Cancellations or date changes must be made at least three days before the reservation date. Cancellations made within two days will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the seasonal set menu price per person (excluding service charge).-The restaurant serves dinner only and is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone reservations are accepted from 14:00 to 17:00 during operating days.-With an open kitchen layout, seating includes counter and table arrangements assigned randomly. Children under six are not accommodated. For elderly or special seating requests, please inform us in advance.-To ensure dining quality and experience, meal preparation begins upon guest arrival. Please be punctual as late arrivals may affect dining rhythm.-Dining duration is approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. Please allocate sufficient time to enjoy the meal.【Dining Guidelines】-Dress code:Ladies: Avoid flip-flops.Gentlemen: Avoid flip-flops and open-toed sandals.-Due to limited space, pets are not allowed.For birthday or anniversary celebrations, please notify us at least three days in advance.【BYOB Guidelines】Corkage fee for bringing your own wine is NT$500 per bottle (750ml), and NT$1000 per bottle for 1.5L wine or 1L spirits.For the best dining experience, please review the above reservation instructions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you.For any further inquiries, feel free to contact us via info@impromptu.com.tw or phone.
Photo du restaurant Smith & Wollensky
Prix : très cher
• Américaine • District de Xinyi
**【Reservation Policy】**1.Reservations for the next month will open on the first day of every month via online, on-site, and telephone booking. Online booking is only open for a maximum of 4 people. To reserve a table for over 4 people, please contact us through phone calls by dialing +886 2-2345-5647. We will charge an advanced deposit for private rooms and group reservations (over 7 people).2.Seat assignment requests are unavailable. If you have a special request (e.g; wheelchair access, stroller, etc.), please contact us by email or phone call. For birthdays and anniversaries, please make a note in the Occasion section.3.After completing the booking process, you will receive an SMS message to confirm your reservation. If you want to cancel the reservation, please click the cancellation button through the link provided in your SMS message.4.Reservations are secured for 15 minutes of tardiness.5.We have a corkage fee of NTD$1000 per bottle.6.Please kindly understand that high chairs and children's utensils are unavailable.7.Please note that animals are not allowed in the restaurant (except guide dogs).8.Last order time: Sun.~Thu. 21:00; Fri.~Sat. 22:009.For more information on private rooms and special events, please visit our [website](https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/event/taipei)
Photo du restaurant 和牛47 微風南山店
Prix : très cher
• Fusion/Éclectique • District de Xinyi
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
High Rise Yakiniku Kaiseki Restaurant with Wagyu Lavish Fine Dining Experience in All Senses with Highest Quality WagyuWagyu 47 has a scenic view overlooking Taipei 101. Thecuisine we serve is the perfect combination of yakiniku, wagyu sushi, and Kaiseki. Menus are named after four seasons, and the seasonal dishes defines “Fine Dining with Deluxe Wagyu”. Tableside service allows the customers to immerse themselves in beautiful scenery and deliciousness, creating unforgettable memories of “Enjoying the best wagyu with special ones on any special days”
Photo du restaurant WILDWOOD 原木燒烤牛排海鮮餐廳
Prix : très cher
• Barbecue • District de Xinyi
**? 美國頂級紅屋牛排48盎司單點嘗鮮價NT$8,880+10%,另贈送主餐配菜2份。如欲享用此牛排最遲須於用餐日前三天預訂並完成預付NT$2,000之訂金,請於inline 訂位時備註留言處註明,訂位後將有餐廳人員主動聯繫。(視現場庫存接受預訂)**? **午餐營業時間** 周一至周日 11:30-15:00 最後點餐時間 14:30? **晚餐營業時間**周日至周四 17:30-21:30 最後點餐時間 21:00周五至周六 17:30-22:00 最後點餐時間 21:30☎️ **預約時的注意事項** 本餐廳接受二個月內線上訂位。為確保其他客人用餐權益及避免浪費事先為您預備之食材,若需取消或更改訂位,請提前告知。訂位將保留15分鐘,如逾時將視現場狀況重新安排座位。如於訂位時告知座位喜好需求,本餐廳將會註記並盡量為您安排,但實際仍需視當日訂位狀況,恕無法保證安排指定座位。? **特殊座位需求**若您有對位子的特殊需求麻煩請來電訂位,我們會盡力安排但無法為您保證,需要視當天狀況而定。? **年幼孩童**本餐廳歡迎家庭攜兒童前來用餐,並為您備有兒童椅及兒童餐具。為確保用餐環境品質及每位客人的用餐權益,請協助妥善維持您的孩童之舉止禮儀。本餐廳無提供兒童餐。???? **攜帶寵物須知**1. 必需使用寵物推車或寵物提籃並且加蓋,禁止寵物落地。2. 寵物不得爬上餐桌或沙發上。3. 餐廳沒有提供寵物特製餐食。4. 需先提前告知餐廳。5. 禁止使用店內餐具餐盤餵食。6. 請管束及約束寵物於餐廳內行為,本餐廳為寵物友善餐廳但非寵物餐廳,若造成消費者於用餐環境及食品安全衛生上有顧慮,本餐廳保留拒絕寵物入內之最後權利。? **低消**吧檯座位基本消費一份飲品,用餐區/開放廚房區基本消費一份餐點。需酌收水資每位NT$120+10%。? **用餐時間**午餐90分鐘,晚餐120分鐘。? **開瓶費**自備酒水者開瓶服務費葡萄酒每瓶(750ml容量以下) NT$1,000元,自第9瓶起,每瓶開瓶費NT$2,000元。葡萄酒年份依現場品項為主。烈酒開瓶費每瓶NT$1,500元。如在本餐廳點一瓶葡萄酒,即可抵免一瓶開瓶費。? **慶祝活動**如有事先告知需慶生、紀念日或其他慶祝活動,本餐廳會在盤飾甜點上蠟燭及寫祝賀文字。若自備蛋糕於餐廳慶祝,需另收NT$200元清潔費。? **飲食限制**若您有飲食限制,我們將盡全力滿足您的需求,主廚將以當日可取得之當季食材來調整菜單。如有素食與蛋奶素需求,歡迎來電詢問,並於前三日點餐。如果您對任何食材有過敏反應或不耐症,請在點餐前告知服務人員。? **租金**為符合台灣勞基法規定,餐廳於午、晚餐餐期結束後需休息(午餐至15:00、晚餐至21:30)。若有餐會或活動超出營業時間,我們將收取每半小時NT$6,000元的租金,造成不便之處敬請見諒。?‍?‍?‍? **團體活動** 7 人以上(含)的團體須提前預付訂金 每人NT$1,000元及提前預點餐點,以利本餐廳提前準備,提供更妥善的服務。若需獨立私密空間,本餐廳配置3間包廂供您選擇:- 10人包廂,共2間,基本消費午餐NT$20,000元,晚餐NT$30,000元 。 - 18人包廂,1間,基本消費午餐NT$30,000元,晚餐NT$40,000元。特殊活動或包場,歡迎來信詢問info@wildwood.com.tw? **其他注意事項**- 上述所有價格以新台幣表示,並需加收一成服務費(開瓶費及租金除外)。- 餐廳內禁止吸菸(包含電子菸),若有造成環境髒亂、打翻酒水或嘔吐等行為,我們將酌收清潔費NT$2,500起。其他硬體損傷另計。- 為維護用餐氛圍,煩請於用餐期間將手機關靜音,並降低喧嘩聲量;避免使用閃光燈,並禁用線上直播通訊軟體。為了提供貴客完美用餐體驗與品質、尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,故本餐廳制定上述說明,謝謝您的體諒與配合。若有任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先與餐廳聯繫,由專人協助溝通與安排;若未經事前溝通安排,本餐廳將保有現場最後決定權。本餐廳配合政府防疫之因應措施,造成不便請見諒。食品業者登錄字號 A-152705325-00001-8
Photo du restaurant 亞都麗緻大飯店 巴黎廳1930x高山英紀-法式高端精緻料理
Prix : très cher
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
Awarded with one Michelin star and the first to receive the newly introduced Michelin Sommelier Award in 2023, Paris 1930 de Hideki Takayama has been the pioneer of fine dining French cuisine in Taiwan. All team members are dedicated to entice guests by engaging all five senses for incredible dining experiences.The restaurant’s culinary director, Hideki Takayama, has twice won the Asia-Pacific champion of the Bocuse d’Or, known as the “Culinary Olympics”, and achieved fifth place in the world during 2015. Hideki Takayama incorporates Taiwanese tea by understanding all its characteristics into all his creations, awaiting to be discovered by discerning guests.In addition to the Michelin star accolade, the restaurant is honored for being recognized with Michelin Sommelier Award and the Best Wine List in 2022. Paris 1930 de Hideki Takaya has been the first restaurant in Taiwan to provide exquisite sommelier service along with its comprehensive wine list from five major wineries in France, Europe, and New World production areas. Sake is also seen in the food and wine pairing. Matching food with the perfect wine reflects our hospitality and professionalism.Hideki Takayama, who grew up in the countryside of Fukuoka, provides authentic "cohesion" and "sharing" of cooking, which synchronizes with his restaurant Entre Nous in Kobe. His sincere hospitality, and satisfaction depicts the happiness on the corners of his mouth. With a smiling face, he uses the purest ingredients and rich Taiwanese tea products to connect the taste bud spectrum for all his dishes.With professional and elegant service, we always strive to create an impeccable dining experience for every guest – creating lasting moments that will always be cherished forever.Looking forward to your culinary sensory journey with us.◎《2023 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.◎《2023 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》 and Sommelier Award.*** For any dietary requirements, please indicate in “Other Remarks” – our Team will contact you for assistance.
Photo du restaurant 老乾杯 慶城店
Prix : cher
• Asiatique • Songshan District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Yakiniku Restaurant with Wagyu and One Michelin StarA Wagyu Specialty Yakiniku Restaurant with One Michelin StarEnjoy Tableside Service and Lavish Wagyu FeastKanpai Classic is “A Sacred Place for Sophisticated Adults”.CLASSIC represents heritage and wisdom of experience, which means being sophisticated is nothing but wonderful.Kanpai Classic is specializing in providing delicacy of high-quality Japanese and Australian wagyu and Kamameshi to its customers while customers sip on IWC Gold Medal award winning sake “Masuizumi” from Japan along with dedicated tableside service to deliver extraordinary dining experience.
Photo du restaurant 好嶼 HOSU
Prix : très cher
• Fusion/Éclectique • Da'an District
Welcome to our island - HOSU. To optimize your dining experience, please read the following information carefully, we look forward to seeing you soon.[ Opening Hours ] Tuesday to Saturday18:00 - 22:00. Seats are only reserved for 15 minutes. Overtime will be charged 1,000 TWD/person and no seat will be allowed.[ Store holidays ]Every Sunday & Monday.Holiday or special events closures will be shown on the booking page calendar and social media.[ Menu ]- Seasonal: starting from $2,880TWD/person- wine pairing: 3 glasses TWD 1,280/person- wine pairing: 5 glasses TWD 1,580/person- wine pairing: 7 glasses TWD 1,980/person- Water charge: 100 TWD/person- 10% service charge[ Corkage Fee Policy ]- Wine, Japanese sake, spirits within 750ML 500TWD/bottle[ General Policy ]- We can adjust the menu content due to seasons, including vegetables, fish, meat, etc.- We reserve the right to cancel or change reservations.- To maintain the dining experience, children under 12 years old are not allowed. If bringing children under 12 years old is considered a violation of restaurant regulations, we will have the right to cancel the reservation and charge TWD 1,000 per person as a temporary cancellation.- No takeout service. No outside food and drink allowed.- Pets other than guide dogs are not allowed.- If you have wheelchairs or customers with limited mobility who need assistance, please contact us through social media.- If you have any dietary restrictions, please note them when booking and we will customize a special meal for you.- We offer vegetarian set meal with egg, milk, and spices at TWD 3,180 per person. Please make a note when making a reservation. - We DO NOT provide gluten-free/ Egg & milk free meal customization.- To maintain the dining experience of other customers, flash or own lighting equipment is prohibited; commercial photography is prohibited during the meal in this restaurant. Violators will be charged ten times the price of a single meal.- We CAN NOT assign seats and do not accept temporary changes or assigned seats.
Photo du restaurant 藝奇 日本料理岩板燒 台北衡陽店
Prix : raisonnable
• Japonaise • Zhongzheng District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant JK STUDIO 法式餐酒館 大直忠泰店
Prix : raisonnable
• Française • Zhongshan District
*平日(一/二/三/四/日) 11:30-21:30 (20:00 Last Order)*例假日及例假日前一天(五/六)11:30-22:00 (20:30 Last Order)*週一至週五11:30-14:00供應商業套餐*14:00-17:00為下午茶時間(16:00下午茶Last Order)*用餐時間限時兩小時。*如有特殊飲食忌口,請來電告知。*如遇特殊節慶日將依忠泰商場公告營業時間為準。*本店無包廂。1. 超過8位(含)以上訂位,需預付定金 $500/人 #人數超過8位,敬請來電訂位#欲參加「慶生贈送蛋糕」活動需先預付訂金$500/位,於用餐“三日前”完成訂位並備註[慶生贈蛋糕],服務人員會與您電話確認,或可直接來電洽詢!#另提供代客訂花服務,請提早來電告知!2. 特殊節日(2/14情人節、母親節、七夕情人節、聖誕節、跨年夜、春節年假)預收定金$500/人訂位取消訂金退還規則:1. 於用餐日期5天前取消,可退還定金(需扣除轉帳手續費15元),用餐日期5~3天內取消則不退還定金,但可供延用1個月(原訂日期起算30天),1個月內需使用完畢、逾期不再提供延期。2. 用餐日前一日取消,則不退還定金、不提供延期使用,定金會作為補償餐廳營業損失及食材準備金。每人最低消費:$600/位,未滿12歲以下之幼兒童每位低消$300下午茶時段最低消費:$400/位*如遇特殊節慶日將會另行公布*以上收費另需服務費10%共45個座位平日中午 $60,000起平日晚上 $80,000起週五晚上 $100,000起假日中午 $100,000起假日晚上 $120,000起*需加收低消之30%做為定金。*免收場地費,低消價格可抵餐酒費用。*需加收10%服務費,自帶酒類開瓶費另計*包場菜單均為專屬客製化包場餐飲服務,不得與其他優惠合併使用。*大型包場活動,定金為消費金額30%,約定日前14天以上取消包場、可退還全額定金。約定日前8-13天內取消包場、定金金額可於退定日1個月內來店消費折抵,逾期不能使用,約定日前7天內取消包場沒收定金,定金作為補償餐廳營業損失及食材準備金。葡萄酒$500 / 750ml瓶烈酒$800 / 750ml瓶*如消費本店任⼀⽀紅白酒,可抵一支紅白酒⽔服務費。臺北市中山區樂群三路200號5樓(NOKE忠泰樂生活)*劍南路站3號出口*更多交通方式也可參考NOKE忠泰樂生活官方交通指南。
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