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Meilleurs restaurants pour le thé de l'après-midi à Linkou District

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9 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 林口亞昕福朋喜來登酒店 精釀吧
Prix : cher
• Réservation de tables avec bouteilles • Linkou District
At the stylish bar of Four Points Linkou, guests can enjoy unlimited beer, wine, and cocktails, and celebrate and freely express themselves during our Happy Hour! As part of the Four Points brand's unique offerings, guests can also indulge in locally brewed craft beers at the bar.⏰ Operating Hours:Sunday to Thursday: 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM, with last order at 9:30 PM.Friday and Saturday: 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM, with last order at 11:00 PM.-?? Refreshing Spring/Summer 2023/4/1~12/30 ??Enjoy a buy-one-get-one offer on Taiwanese draft beer and craft beer.A 10% service charge will be added.-? Afternoon Tea Time:▍ British Style Afternoon Tea for Two ? ▍Have a leisure afternoon tea date!Soothe your life with delicious desserts and enjoy a sweet afternoon.Afternoon tea brings a sense of ritual to life, so let's experience the leisurely time in Linkou together. ?☎ Reservation hotline: 02-07727-6992
Photo du restaurant 栢麗廳 Brasserie
Prix : très cher
• Internationale • Zhongshan District
Réservé 10 fois aujourd'hui
Offers cannot be combined with other promotion. - Please kindly be informed that prices will be different during the national and special holidays.- Half price for children in between 100cm to 130cm; Free of charge for children under 100cm.-The arrangement of the seats is mainly based on the on-site deployment.- Please kindly provide specific number of persons (including numbers of children) when making a reservation to ensure the comfortability of the seats.-Specific seating arrangement will be affected by the daily on-site situation.- Online reservation is not applicable for National Holidays and Breakfast.Breakfast Period - 6:30am to 10:00amWeekdays/Weekends (per person) NT$880+10%Lunch Period - 11:30am to 2:00pm Weekdays (per person) NT$1,580+10% Weekends (per person) NT$1,980+10% Afternoon Tea Period - 2:30pm to 4:30pm Weekdays (per person) NT$1080+10% Weekends (per person) NT$1280+10% Dinner Period - 5:30pm to 9:30pm Weekdays (per person) NT$1,680+10% Weekends (per person) NT$1,980+10% (Friday Included)- Corkage fee applies. NT$500 for wines/ per bottle; NT$1,000 for spirits/ per bottle.- Group guests who make reservations separately cannot share the table.- When using coupons, rules and prices listed above apply.
Photo du restaurant 時光樹影
Prix : raisonnable
• Le thé de l’après-midi • Tamsui District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
《訂位須知 》?•全區禁止吸菸•訂位保留10分鐘•用餐時間為兩小時•基本消費規則?平日:低消300元/1人,免服務費?假日-午餐晚餐時段-12:00-1400,17:00-19:20入場-低消為套餐(主食+甜點+飲品,不滿120cm不用低消)下午時段14:00-17:00低消300元/1人,免服務費?113年起,因應原物料及人力成本持續上漲,將調整部分餐點價格,不便之處,敬請見諒。我們將持續嚴格把關食材品質,讓大家吃得安心。?淡水居民平日憑證件滿500送50元現金折價券,滿1000送100元現金折價券,以此類推(折價券無期限)•當月壽星憑證件,即送壽星甜點乙份(隨機贈送)•如確認入座,恕不提供換位服務•欲變更訂位人數請提前告知,如席位不足恕無法接待•提供無障礙通道和無障礙廁所及嬰兒尿布臺•如有特殊需求,請於訂位時提前告知、備註!(例如:有行動不便者、需兒童座椅、食材敏感等等.)《室內座位區》•因歷史建築法規約束,故無法點蠟燭•因歷史建築法規約束,故寵物無法入內《戶外座位區》•歡迎寵物•如天氣不佳等不可抗因素,恕不開放•另備有蚊香及防蚊液,可向服務人員索取•由於環境為自然生態,故無法避免蚊蟲,如較為介意,建議室內座位區更為舒適•本餐廳依現場狀況、保有相關資訊變更之權益!
Photo du restaurant The One食藝 中山概念店
Prix : cher
• Le thé de l’après-midi • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 小草人木館
Prix : raisonnable
• Le thé de l’après-midi • Datong District
Reservation instructions:• Opening time: 12:00~8:30• The minimum consumption per person on weekdays is one tea product.• A pot of tea is required for low consumption per person on weekends and holidays, and the consumption per person must reach NT$300.• Children aged 5 and above, one snack per person at low cost• The dining time is 150 minutes, calculated based on the reservation time. Please be sure to arrive on time. Seats are reserved for 10 minutes. Reservations will be canceled after timeout.• For reservations of 6 or more people, please call to make a reservation. Tel: 02-25580081• If there are changes in your itinerary and you are unable to make it to the store or want to change your time, please call us and let us know. We will make adjustments based on the reservation status on that day. If adjustments cannot be made, the store has the right to cancel the reservation.*****If you are no-show without any reason, your online reservation rights will be cancelled.Consumer Instructions:1. No outside food is allowed.2.Card swiping service is available3. An additional 10% service charge is required
Photo du restaurant 仙島SENTO
Prix : raisonnable
• Le thé de l’après-midi • Datong District
Hello!Welcome to Sento kampotea house歡迎來到仙島漢方茶館,我們提供不同的漢方元素結合之茶飲,以及精選各類佐茶小點及甜食為了確保所有登島的仙民貴賓來店權益,請務必於您預訂前詳閱以下說明:由於座位有限,每場次為九十分鐘。為避免品茶時影響香氣,如使用香水敬請酌量。禁用外食/外帶飲料,不接受寵物入內。內用座位有限,如須更改人數及時間,敬請提前來電告知。線上訂位以每組6人以內為主,8人或有包場需求請洽IG聯繫我們
Photo du restaurant smith&hsu現代茶館 南京東路店
Prix : raisonnable
• Le thé de l’après-midi • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 圓山大飯店 - 圓苑餐廳
Prix : cher
• Non-specifiée • Zhongshan District
1. 圓苑夫人午茶新登場~圓山大飯店圓苑餐廳向來是饕客鍾愛的秘密基地,大面落地窗、氣派紅柱、手工點心,無不彰顯此處特有的品味與故事。為了帶慕名而來的賓客體驗江浙宜人的風土,圓苑餐廳推出週末限定的午茶套餐,以第一夫人思念的家鄉味,款待每位賓客的悠閒情懷。活動期間:2024年4月1日 至 6月30日指定餐期:每週六、日 14:30-17:00活動地點:圓苑餐廳菜單內容:鮑魚燒賣/柳葉素餃/絲瓜蝦餃/香酥春捲/蔥燒酥餅芋頭籤糕/桃花酥/夫人鬆糕/養生芝麻糊/季節水果盤單人午茶 NT$680雙人午茶 NT$1,199(原價NT$1,360)注意事項:本專案最後點餐時限為16:00。 本專案依原價收取10%服務費。本專案不得與其他優惠、折扣合併使用。本專案僅適用於餐廳,不適用於包廂及桌菜。本專案手工限量請於3日前預訂。訂位專線:(02)2886 - 1818 分機 1241 圓苑餐廳2. 買A送B活動期間:2024/04/01~06/30A餐上海芋泥鴨 NT$820 鳳梨鮮蝦球 $820 鮑魚紅燒肉 NT$820 XO醬百合鮮干貝 NT$ 820 麻辣黄瓜鮮鮑 NT$ 820 金沙麥片軟殼蝦 NT$ 820 蔥燒花膠烏參 NT$ 960農村酸湯魚 NT$ 920 剁椒鰱魚頭 NT$960水煮霜降牛/松阪豬 NT$960B餐蟹殼黃 /蘿蔔絲餅 /美味春捲 紅豆鬆糕 /心太軟 /杏仁凍豆腐注意事項:本專案不得與其他優惠合併使用(信用卡9.5折優惠、住房9折優惠、聯誼會會員8.5折優惠、旅展票券)。本專案不適用於外帶、包廂及桌菜等餐飲服務。3.國宴文化餐:每位2000/2500/3000 以上須加1成服務費,內含東側密道導覽。(以上套餐皆需2人成行及套餐、需三天前預訂)。一.東密道導覽文化之旅:凡餐廳用餐賓客之單筆消費金額滿NT$1000元(含)以上,即可享加購東密道導覽文化之旅票券乙張之優惠;消費金額滿NT$2000元(含)以上,即可享加購東密道文化導覽票券兩張之優惠,以此類推。加購金額:成人每位收取NT$500元(加贈圓山御廚無添加純釀老醋乙瓶)6歲(含)至12歲(含)兒童每位收取NT$250元,無贈品。二.西密道導覽文化之旅:凡至圓苑餐廳用餐單筆消費滿NT$770元(含服務費)均可優惠價NT$200元(原價位NT$250元)加購西密道導覽行程,以上皆需提前預訂。主辦單位保有修改變更或暫停本活動之權利。 4.餐廳江浙套餐:每位2000/2500/3000以上 桌菜(每桌10人)20000/22800/25800以上須加1成服務費。(以上套餐皆需2人成行及套餐、桌菜需三天前預訂)。二.包廂套餐/每位$2500+10%起 桌菜/每桌(10人)$28800+10%起(以上套餐皆需10人成行及套餐、桌菜需三天前預訂)。5.信用卡優惠,請依照現場公告活動說明為主。另不與其它優惠方案合併使用。活動時間:2024年1月1日至2024年12月31日止一年。一、 活動對象:境內、國人二、 凡持華南銀行、合作金庫、遠東銀行、元大銀行、匯豐銀行、玉山銀行及兆豐銀行信用卡消費享優惠如附圓苑餐廳平日(週一至週四)可享本廳單點原價95折優惠+原價一 成服務費 。注意事項:*恕不適用酒水折抵、貴賓室、旅遊團體、1 0人以上宴會、外帶品項,或與其他優 惠合併使用。*不適用日期:週五、週六及週日,國定⺠俗假日及政府公告之連續假日:(元旦 1 / 1 、農曆春節 2 / 8 - 2 / 1 4 、二二八假期 2 / 2 8 、清明連假 4 / 4 - 4 / 7 、母親節5/11-5/12、端午連假6/8 -6/10、中秋節9/17、雙十國慶10/10、聖誕節1 2 / 2 4 ~ 1 2 / 2 5 )等 , 詳情依圓山大飯店規範為準 。6.圓苑餐廳 營業時間:午餐Lunch 11:30~14:30 Last Order(最後點餐14:00)晚餐Dinner 17:30~21:30 Last Order(最後點餐21:00)星期六/日 Holiday 營業時間下午茶 Afternoon Tea 14:30~17:00 Last Order(最後點餐16:00)Email: yuan@grand-hotel.orgFax: (02)2885-5221
Photo du restaurant Le Cafe 咖啡廳
Prix : raisonnable
• Café • Zhongshan District
【Introduction】Le Café is a classic all-day dining venue that features a half-open kitchen and a splendid tableau of the tree-lined Chung Shan Boulevard seen from the sunlit windows. Much loved by both locals and foreigners, the restaurant offers an international buffet spread for three main meals, as well as afternoon tea and late night snack. It is an epicurean bliss worthy of royalty.【Operation Hours/Price】▪️Breakfast: 06:30 A.M.-10:00 A.M. Set Menu or Buffet style depends on capacity. ▪️Lunch:11:30 A.M.-14:00 P.M. (Closure of service 13:45 P.M.) / Buffet ▪️Tea Time:14:30 P.M.-16:30 P.M. (Closure of service 16:15 P.M.) / Buffet▪️Dinner: 18:00 P.M.-21:30 P.M. (Closure of service 21:00 P.M.) / Buffet▪️Room Service is temporarily closed. 【Reservation Notice】▪️The above prices are subject to 10% service charge.▪️The guest numbers for each reservation requires at least 1 up to 4. (5 or above, please make reservations via telephone)▪️Half price for children in between 115cm to 140cm; Free of charge for children under 115cm.▪️Corkage fee will be charged if applicable in this restaurant.For any reservation cancel or reschedule, please advance informs the restaurant.▪️Seats arrangement will depend on actual situation.▪️For any late arrived, the seats will be held for 10 minutes then open for reschedule upon on-site table availabilities.▪️For special reservations or seats requirements, please call +886-2-2542-3266 #Le Café for further assistance.Safe Dining Measures: ▪️Setting partitions or use checkerboard seating to maintain distance; having dining spaces at least 1.5 meters apart.▪️Using only pork from Taiwan, the Netherlands and Canada, and beef from the U.S; Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Panama.________________________________________
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