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Meilleurs restaurants pour les groupes à Beitou District

Type de cuisine (20 sur 42)

219 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 村民食堂廚窗港點 士林官邸店
Prix : raisonnable
• Dim Sum • Shilin District
Réservé 15 fois aujourd'hui
DIMSUM KITCHENBUFFET HOURS/PRICE(per head)Monday-FridayLUNCH 11:30-14:00 $660DINNER 17:30-21:00 $660Saturday, Sunday & HolidayLUNCH 11:00-15:00 $720DINNER 17:00-21:00 $720Kids Special DiscountFREE OF CHARGE(Height under 100cm)HALF PRICE(Height100~140cm)10% service fee is not included. We have 120 minutes limits.RESERVATION POLICIES》All reservations will be secured for 10 minutes from the original reservation time.》Tables more than 5 people are allocated on the day by the restaurant team and next table maybe be applied. We will do everything we can to allocate a table in your preferred area but cannot guarantee this.》There is a half-price charge for kids 100-140cm. Please indicate on your reservation about” the amount of adults/kids “so we can do the best arrangement for you.》Reservations are available online up to 30 days in advance. 》We accept online reservation up to 10 people. For Group size larger than 10 / Private events, please contact us via phone-call for further details.》We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Photo du restaurant 大腕燒肉 Da-Wan
Prix : très cher
• Barbecue • Zhongshan District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
《營業時間》週日-週四____|___ 週五-週六17:00~00:00 | 17:00~01:0020:30單點時段 | 21:30單點時段22:00進店時間 | 23:00進店時間23:00最後點餐 | 24:00最後點餐?餐期為90分鐘,從訂位時間開始計算,位子保留15分鐘,超過時間無法取得聯繫都視同取消預約,訂金沒收《訂位規範》1.吧台開放30天內的預約,包廂開放60天內的預約每日14:00準時同步優先開放電話與Facebook例如:今天11/26會開放至12/26訂位(11/26~12/26之間的預約皆可以安排)以此類推.包廂則開放至1/26***In-line線上系統會推遲開啟***線上只開放少部分位子跟時段,更多人數或時段,歡迎來電洽詢預約2.訂位會收取每位1000元訂金,期限內付款完成預約才會成立?取消或是更改人數及時間須於用餐日(不含訂位當天)三天前致電通知因不可抗因素或意外,大腕保留取消或更改預約之權力2.店內目前正餐時段提供?套餐?(可依照人數彈性調整)牛肉套餐價位每位約3500元上下豬肉套餐價位每位約3000元上下?套餐價格皆不含酒水及服務費?特定日子另有節慶套餐供應,以現場菜單供應為主?詳情可上臉書首頁參考?3.位子低消3000元,用餐時間90分鐘位子低消4000元,用餐時間120分鐘小孩低消1500元(不分年紀,視佔位)***須於訂位先做告知***?七人以上(含七人)統一用餐時間120分鐘,每人低消4000元?*低消皆不含酒水與服務費*4.開瓶費 店內開酒水可開一抵一每瓶720ml為800元 1.8L為1600元(不分酒種,只分大小)5.訂位日前一天預約系統會發送預約保留之簡訊,再麻煩確認過後按下「保留座位」若是訂位上有任何更動再麻煩您即時聯繫我們,店內保有調整權力之空間《店內座位安排》店內目前主要是吧台形式的座位另有6人獨立桌8人獨立包廂可以安排用餐⚠️指定桌子與包廂除外,現場實際座位安排以現場情況安排為主《6人桌預約》(開放式)訂金為6000元 低消為24000元(酒水、服務費另計)用餐時間為2個小時《8人包廂預約》(共兩間 )訂金8000元 低消為40000元水資費960元(酒水、服務費另計)開放預約時段下午17:00-19:00晚上19:30-21:30用餐時間為2個小時《12人大包廂預約》訂金12000元 低消為90000元水資費1440元(酒水、服務費另計)用餐時間沒有限時※包廂訂金付款完成後不接受改期及取消※⚠️⚠️若人數較多或是包場之預約⚠️⚠️麻煩Facebook訊息或致電02-2711-0179與我們聯繫❌不接受線上拆訂併桌❌?取消預約?不接受當天做訂位上的更動若有需要取消預約麻煩不含訂位日3天前與我們聯繫,訂金才會全額做退款三天內取消預約會收取一半訂金當天做取消訂金將不做退款例如:原預約12/1012/6通知取消 訂金100%退款12/7-12/9通知 訂金退款50%12/10 不做退款《場地清潔費》為維護現場用餐品質及整潔若因來賓方所造成的污漬.毀損等情形店內設備、裝飾設計及材質,嘔吐或酒水潑灑所導致的污漬及損害等等.將會收取5000元清潔費♦️**目前線上只開放少部分的預約,如果有其他時段與需求,請撥打02-27110179與我們聯繫為優先**♦️♦️**如通訊資料異動,務必來電通知,避免影響自身權益**♦️♦️**目前店內沒有生日相關優惠,歡迎自備蛋糕,我們可於餐後協助慶生**♦️⛔️**以上規範攸關自身權益,以上同意確認無異議再完成付款**⛔️
Photo du restaurant 台北美福大飯店 彩匯自助餐廳
Prix : cher
• Internationale • Zhongshan District
Réservé 15 fois aujourd'hui
1.Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2.Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3.Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4.If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5.If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6.If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7.Reservations for Roast Peking Duck from Chiu Yuet Fong must be made 3 days in advance.“Hot Pot/Japanese Cuisine/Sushi” section is available at Haruyama Japanese Cuisine, please enter the text at the text note in the back.8.Any dietary restrictions can be noted and revised via the online reservation system 5 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date)**Deposite Policy:**For reservations that has 15 or more people, a NT$500/person deposit is required. The deposit will be fully refundable if cancellation is made 7 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date).
Photo du restaurant snail蝸牛餐廳 歐義料理
Prix : raisonnable
• Européenne • Shilin District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 貳樓 淡水站前店
Prix : raisonnable
• Américaine • Tamsui District
Réservé 10 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 漢來海港 天母店
Prix : raisonnable
• Fruits de mer • Shilin District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
歡迎您使用漢來海港線上訂位/候位系統!!【2024母親節訂位須知】3/1日開放訂位◎5/4、5/5晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為120分鐘;午餐、下午餐用餐時間正常供應。◎5/11、5/12午餐、晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為120分鐘;下午餐暫停供應。◆訂位需加收訂金,訂位完成後,會於5日內與您聯繫。◆5/4、5/5不適用晚鳥優惠;5/11、5/12各項優惠恕不適用;持餐券者可補差額使用。◆午餐 第一輪(A)11:15-13:15、第二輪(B)13:45-15:45◆晚餐 第一輪(A)17:00-19:00、第二輪(B)19:30-21:30【線上訂位需知】1.如遇線上訂位額滿,建議您〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況而定。2.當日需至現場櫃枱辦理報到,依序排隊入場,敬請見諒。3.因桌次有限,訂位後將依現場狀況排桌入席,恕無法指定座位。4.本餐廳最大座位數為8人桌,若訂位人數超過5人(含)需分桌。5.訂位人數為1人時將依現場狀況安排個人座位或併桌。6.如遇特殊節日(農曆春節、母親節.等),將視訂位狀況收取訂金,餐廳將有專人致電與您聯繫訂金事宜,謝謝!!7.開車前往用餐的來賓還請注意預留充足時間。【消費方式】1.本餐廳需另加收10%服務費。2.訂位保留10分鐘,逾時座位將取消不再另行通知。3.餐廳禁帶外食,敬請配合,謝謝!!4.請勿攜帶寵物入內(導盲犬除外,需事先告知),不便之處敬請見諒!
Photo du restaurant 谷炭 G.T.Yakiniku
Prix : raisonnable
• Yakiniku • Beitou District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant 臺北表演藝術中心
Prix : raisonnable
• Réservation de tables avec bouteilles • Shilin District
All day breakfast and brunch menu is served here. From sunrise to sunset. ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant is an international sourced, casual cafe restaurant in Taipei Performing Art Center designed by architect Rem Koolhaas. ACME means ”the best”. At here, we believe brunch and good coffee make your life a better one!完整的ACME早午餐體驗,從法式炒蛋到經典法式吐司,從日出到日落。可以選擇搭配義式濃縮,或是精選的自然葡萄酒,帶大家穿越地域隔閡,享受純正的歐式早午餐。acmetaipei.com*Online reservations are open for the next 7 days at 00:00 every day.*For reservations more than 7 people, please call +886-2-66177575 to inquire. It will be arranged according to on-site reservations.
-Your reservation will be hold for 10 minutes, we will cancel the reservation without contact if you don’t show up.-Minimum order of NTD $500 / person, plus 10% service charge-Dining time 2 hours-Corkage fee NTD $600 /bottle(wine) NTD $1000 /bottle(spirits)-Non-smoking area include indoor area and terrace-No outside food or drinks-Last order 1 hour before closing-Commercial activities are prohibited -For event inquiry please email hello@acmegroup.tw-We reserve the right to cancel or modify your reservation due to the unexpected reasons
Photo du restaurant 天町燒肉屋 芝山店
Prix : raisonnable
• Barbecue • Shilin District
**消費方式**- 雙人套餐- 三人套餐- 共食外加 NT$159(內附:飲料、甜點、米食、泡菜、包肉生菜)例如:三位點一個雙人套餐則加收費用NT$159 共食費*每桌至少點選一份套餐*服務至上免收服務費*未滿小學免收共食費*米食、泡菜、包肉生菜、海苔可免費續加*用餐時間120分鐘(如現場無候位客人,可繼續用餐到下組客人到達前)*訂位保留10分鐘。
Photo du restaurant JB's Diner
Prix : raisonnable
• Américaine • Shilin District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
【 當日預約請洽詢 02-2876-1588 】◇訂位用餐須知◇★訂位接受8人以下(含大人與小孩) 〈 8人以上請洽詢02-2876-1588 〉★用餐時間為120分鐘★訂位逾時將直接取消不另行通知 〈座位不指定 〉★寵物友善餐廳 〈 室內需置於推車內;戶外可落地 〉★Due to space limitations, we will only accept parties of 8 or less.〈We do not assign seats.〉★No separate checks.★Dining time limit per party is 120 min.★Please arrive on time, reservations for late arrivals will be cancelled without notice.★Pets are allowed, but not on the furniture.
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