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Meilleurs restaurants chinois (taïwanais) à Shilin District


17 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 春韭 基河店
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Shilin District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
親愛的 春韭-基河貴賓 您好【預約訂位注意事項更新,敬請詳閱】?營業時間:每週二~每週日中午12:00至下午14:00,晚上18:00至晚上21:00,每週一公休,相關聯繫事宜,敬請於營業時間內來電。1.我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1500元、2000元、3000元,不再另計10%服務費,訂位時請務必確認餐費選項,需使用信用卡綁定全額餐費訂金。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。2.服務人員與您確認相關訂位資訊後,將以訂位系統簡訊通知填寫信用卡資訊,若1天內(24小時)未綁定,將直接取消訂位,恕不再另行通知。3. 訂位成功後需知:『用餐日(含)4日前』可更改用餐人數與日期或改期、取消,4日內取消,訂金恕不退還。舉例: *用餐日3/11 (星期六),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,請於3/7 (星期二) 通知。 *用餐日3/10 (星期五),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,本餐廳每週一公休,故請於3/5 (星期天) 通知。3.本餐廳尚未提供兒童餐、兒童椅、餐具,另尚未提供素食服務。餐廳古董老件稜角較多,為顧及整體用餐環境與孩童安全性,不開放10歲以下孩童入內用餐,未提供兒童餐、椅、餐具,11歲以上孩童,則需計算訂位人數。4.為維持良好的用餐環境,本場所室內全面禁煙、無提供投影服務、禁止釘、貼等場地佈置、播放個人音響、麥克風擴大機…等設備,以共同維護良好的用餐品質。5.未提供素食者菜品/如有隨行貴賓酌收清潔費$500/每位。部分菜品含有魚翅,若有忌口請提早告知。6.禁帶外食與飲料,不接受除導盲犬外的寵物入內。7.開瓶費收費標準:每瓶收取新台幣600元開瓶費(不提供換杯服務)或每人每款杯型收取新台幣100元/個洗杯費。8.用餐空間須知:欲指定樓層或桌型者,請務必於訂位時提前告知。a.二樓獨立空間至少需為8人之訂位。基本消費為12000元b.洗手間位於2樓,如有孕婦、孩童、老人等,上下樓梯,請特別留意出入安全。如若有行動較不便者,建議指定1樓。9. 全額餐費敬請準備現金支付,現場無提供刷卡服務。註:113年,春節店休2月09日(週五)、10日(週六)除夕、大年初一2月11日~14日(初二至初五)只接受2000元 或 $3000/人之春節套餐春節期間僅提供春節套餐系統僅接受45天內預約訂位敬請知悉,謝謝[春韭FB粉絲專頁](https://reurl.cc/mG2beG)  [春韭IG](https://www.instagram.com/springleektw) 
Photo du restaurant 山海樓手工台菜餐廳 Mountain&Sea House
Prix : très cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Zhongzheng District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Reservation Guidelines 1. We accept reservations up to sixty days in advance. Once your reserved date and time has arrived, your spot will be held for ten minutes.2. Standard ReservationsCredit card information is required in order to make a reservation. We prepare the ingredients for every meal according to the number of guests expected. In order to avoid waste, please notify us of all changes and cancellations three days in advance. Changes, cancellations, and absences happening within three days of your reservation will incur a fee of NT$1,000 per guest, so please let us know as early as possible of all such changes (excluding uncontrollable circumstances). 3. Private Dining Room/ Special EventA. For all private dining or Special Event requests, please email msc@yfy-bio.com or call (02) 23513345 for personalized assistance.B. Minimum expenses (private dining room / Special Event):-10-seat private room: NT$10,000 depositLunch minimum: $20,000, Dinner: $25,000 Holiday All Day: NT$25,000-11- to 20-seat private room: NT$20,000 depositLunch minimum: $35,000, Dinner: $45,000 Holiday All Day: NT$45,000-Special event for more than 20-seat(20~40) reservations: NT$40,000 depositLunch minimum: $90,000, Dinner: $90,000C. Deposit/payment deadlinesOnce we’ve received your reservation request, you will be asked via text message to fill out and submit an electronic form with credit card information within two days. If the form is not correctly filled out and submitted within that time, the reservation will automatically be cancelled, and you will receive no subsequent reminders within that time.D. In order to avoid wasting specially prepared ingredients; please notify us of any cancellations or changes to your private room/ special event reservations at least three days ahead of time. Cancelling at least three days in advance will incur no fee; cancelling a reservation less than three days in advance will result in the for feature of your security deposit.4. Corkage: NT$ 500 per bottle5. Dietary restrictions: Please inform us in advance of any dietary restrictions your party may have.6. We’ve prepared the above guidelines in order to guarantee you the most satisfying and highest-quality dining experience possible while also respecting other guests and our hard-working wait staff. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Photo du restaurant 阿薄郎薄皮餃子台式小酒館
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Da'an District
Réservé 5 fois aujourd'hui
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 春韭 晴光店
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Zhongshan District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
親愛的 春韭-晴光店貴賓 您好【預約訂位注意事項,敬請詳閱】?營業時間:每週二~每週日中午12:00至下午14:00,晚上18:00至晚上21:00,每週一公休,相關聯繫事宜,敬請於營業時間內來電。1.我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1500元、2000元、3000元,不再另計10%服務費,尚無提供刷卡服務與素食菜品。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。2.線上預約請務必備註餐點價格,您才會收到匯款簡訊,完成匯款後需拍照、回傳交易明細至簡訊連結內的系統,並按『我已付款』才代表預約成功。3.收到預約成功簡訊後,請於3日內(含)完成匯款,且須於匯款簡訊之連結完成點選『我已付款』才代表預約成功,逾期系統將自行取消訂位,餐廳不另行通知。4.若『自行匯款』後無回傳回條或來電確認告知者,恕不代表預約成功。5.訂位成功後需知:『用餐日(含)4日前』可更改用餐人數與日期或改期、取消,4日內取消,則須收取全額餐費,依訂席人數出餐。 舉例: *用餐日3/11 (星期六),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,請於3/7 (星期二) 通知。 *用餐日3/10 (星期五),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,本餐廳每週一公休,故請於3/5 (星期天) 通知。6.餐廳古董老件稜角較多,為顧及整體用餐環境與孩童安全性,不開放10歲以下孩童入內用餐,未提供兒童餐、椅、餐具,11歲以上孩童,則需計算訂位人數。7.為維持良好的用餐環境,本場所室內全面禁煙、無提供投影服務、禁止釘、貼等場地佈置、播放個人音響、麥克風擴大機…等設備,以共同維護良好的用餐品質。8.未提供素食者菜品/如有隨行貴賓酌收清潔費$500/每位。部分菜品含有魚翅,若有忌口請提早告知。9.禁帶外食與飲料,不接受除導盲犬外的寵物入內。10.開瓶費收費標準:每瓶收取新台幣600元開瓶費(不提供換杯服務)或每人每款杯型收取新台幣100元/個洗杯費。11.用餐空間須知:欲指定樓層或桌型者,請務必於訂位時提前告知。A.一樓分為大廳與包廂,均為獨立空間,用餐桌型:長條方桌。B.二樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,化妝室位於1樓,基本消費新台幣16,000元。C.三樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,有化妝室,基本消費新台幣20,000元。化妝室位於餐廳一樓,無電梯,如有孕婦、孩童、老人等,上下樓梯,請特別留意出入安全。週二~週五平日中午用餐時段,特別推出小資餐?三人小資餐:每套新台幣2,097元,平均每人新台幣699元,2-3人適用。?五人小資餐:每套新台幣3,995元,平均每人新台幣799元,4-5人適用。以上小資餐可享『和牛黃金包』內用加購優惠價每個新台幣99元,需提前1日預訂。六人用餐人數以上恕不適用上述方案,僅限選擇私廚套餐。註:113年,春節店休2月09日(週五)、10日(週六)除夕、大年初一2月11日~14日(初二至初五)只接受2000元 或 $3000/人之春節套餐春節期間僅提供春節套餐系統僅接受45天內預約訂位敬請知悉,謝謝

) [春韭IG](https://www.instagram.com/springleektw) 
Photo du restaurant 興蓬萊台菜餐廳
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Shilin District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
【興蓬萊顧客線上訂位須知】1. 每次可預訂當日至一個月內的訂位,為確保其他客人用餐權益,若需取消或更改訂位,請提前告知,如有特殊需求請來電洽詢。2. 每次訂位人數最多為8人,超過8人以上請來電預訂。3. 星期六、星期天及國定假日,訂位時段規則如下:用餐時間110分鐘午餐11:00、13:00晚餐17:00、19:004. 如需兒童椅、兒童餐具或是素食、輪椅行動不便、特殊飲食人士請於備註欄註記。5. 訂位成功後,系統將發送訂位簡訊,如需更改訂位人數等資訊,請先於系統取消原訂位後重新預訂。6. 用餐當日如需調整人數等資訊,請致電預訂餐廳,由服務人員依當日訂位狀況為您調整。7. 開瓶費每桌300元,不限瓶數。8. 如有以下情況則需酌收訂金:訂位桌數兩桌以上、有預訂合菜及特殊菜色。酌收3000元/桌訂金。9. 如需包廂請來電訂位;大葉高島屋旗艦店包廂低消:【龍鳳】(16人合菜)NT$25280+10%;【富貴】、【吉祥】、【如意】、【百合】(10人合菜)NT$15800+10%。 訂位相關訊息請洽中山北路創始店:02-2877-1168大葉高島屋旗艦店:02-28771167菜單敬請參閱以下網頁之連結
Photo du restaurant 永心鳳茶 新光南西店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Zhongshan District
Réservé 5 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 丰禾 台式小館 台北南京東店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Zhongshan District
Photo du restaurant Tairroir 態芮
Prix : très cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Zhongshan District
**Contact Us**6F, No.299, Lequn 3rd Rd; Zhongshan Dist; Taipei City 104, Taiwanphone: + 886 2 8501 5500 (13:00-19:30)E-mail: service@tairroir.com**Opening Hours**Lunch 12:00 to 14:30 (last order at 13:00) Dinner 18:30 to 22:30 (last order at 20:00)Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunch.**8th Anniversary menus on offer only from 5/16 to 8/31****(Taiwanese style menu)**Lunch Price: NT$5,880+10%Dinner Price: NT$8,880+10%**During special menus period, in order to provide the best dining experience, we are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions, severe allergies and preferences including non-pork, vegetarian, gluten-free, pescatarian, seafood allergy.****Change of Opening Hours**5/22(Wed.) Dinner will be served only5/26(Sun.) to 6/2(Sun.) Closed6/4(Tue.) - 6/5(Wed.) Opened6/6(Thu.) Closed6/17(Mon.) ClosedReservations* Please note that we only accept reservations within 30 days prior to your desired date. * We only accept 2 to 6 people for reservation to ensure the dining experience.* For any special events, please contact us via email or phone (13:00-19:30).* At Taïrroir, we purchase and prepare our ingredients based on our reservations and to prevent any food wastage, we would appreciate for you to inform us three days in advance if there are any changes or cancellation. * Kindly note that there will be a cancellation charge of NT$2,500 per person if cancellation is made in less than three days.* Please inform us at your earliest convenience should you wish to change your time of arrival.* We cater only for children at the age of 8 and above.* Pets are not permitted at Taïrroir restaurant.Dress Code * Smart casual: we appreciate that gentlemen would avoid wearing shorts, undershirts, sweatpants, slippers or flip-flops. For ladies, please avoid sweatpants, sport shorts, slippers or flip-flops. Chef’s Advices:* Please inform us if there are any food restrictions or allergies. We do offer lacto-ovo vegetarian menu (Please order at least 3 working days in advance). We are unable to accommodate vegan. During the special menu period, we regret to inform you that we are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions.* In order to provide the best dining experience, we will only start the tasting menu after all the guests arrive. * To bring you Taïrroir’s unique dining experience, we recommend at least 2 hours for lunch; at least 3 hours for dinner.* Please note that outside food & beverage is not allowed.* Please feel free to send us an email at service@tairroir.com for any monetize filming or photography and we will assist you accordingly. To provide the best dining experience for our guests, Taïrroir reserve all rights to reject any unauthorized monetize filming or photography. Thank you for kind understanding.Cakage Charge* NT$100 per personCorkage Charge* NT$1,000 per bottle (750 ml) for wine and NT$1,500 per bottle for whisky or spirits.
Photo du restaurant 稻舍 Rice & Shine  迪化店
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Datong District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
? Taiwanese Set Meal: The average cost is around 350 TWD, with a minimum charge of 120 TWD per person, plus a 10% service fee. Card payments are accepted. When the restaurant is full, dining is limited to 90 minutes.? One Shop, One Rice: The Dihua store uses Yiquan fragrant rice from Wufeng, Taichung, with the Tainong 71 variety, offering a freshly milled rice with a taro fragrance.? Pets should be kept in carriers or strollers with the zippers closed, ensuring their noise and fur do not disturb other guests.❗ The restaurant has a second-floor seating area accessible by stairs. If you have mobility issues, please specify a desire for first-floor seating.
Photo du restaurant 樂咖咖 incafe Taipei
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Taiwan) • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
? ? ? Before Making a Reservation ? ? ?? Business Hours:Mon.-Fri. 10:00-19:00? This space is employee-only for meeting, working & chilling purpose? When booking, please provide your English Name? Each seat is limited to 3 hours maximum? All reservations will be secured for 10 minutes from the original reservation time? When leaving, please remember to take your personal belongings and trash? Please DO NOT watering or fertilizing plants
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