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肉割烹ふたご THE JUNEI HOTEL KYOTO, Kyoto, 26


4 avis
10.001 ¥ et plus
Niku Kappou Futago is a top-class Wagyu restaurant that delivers the precious Kyoto Beef and the essence of Japanese cuisine. Various parts of Kyoto beef are interwoven with Japanese techniques, and the best ingredients, allowing the chefs to produce the highest level of luxury, and deliver "Tastebud Euphoria" to many customers.

Kyoto beef has a long history; in Japan's oldest Wagyu book written in 1310, it is mentioned as "Tamba beef." Along with delicious water, the "Traditional and cultural taste of 'Kyoto meat'" which are individually raised with great care and the skill of craftsmen in the rich nature of the four seasons. The delicate taste and elegant texture is truly a work of art that is the ultimate luxury for your palate. Please enjoy the expressions of Kyoto beef with its beautifully marbled red meat.

With our cherished spirit of stylish hospitality, we offer seasonal dishes and the four seasons of Kyoto.
For guests hosting special events, our chef who used to be a master chef at Michelin 3 star restaurant is pleased to accept special menu requests to make the occation and make it a colorful, unforgettable experience.

<Course Content>
Kyoto Meat "Miyabi" Special Kaiseki: 16000 yen
If you have any allergies or dislike to any ingredients, please indicate them in the remarks column when you make a reservation.

<Cancellation Policy>
Cancellation on the day of reservation: 100%.
Cancellation 1 day before the reserved date: 100%.
Cancellation 2 days before the reserved date: 100%.

【肉割烹ふたご THE JUNEI HOTEL 京都 1F】

京都牛の歴史は古く、1310年に描かれた我が国最古の和牛書に「丹波牛」として取り上げられてています。おいしい水、四季の豊かな自然の中で、一頭一頭丹念に匠の技でこだわり抜いて育て上げる「伝統と文化の味 “京都肉”」。その繊細な味わいと上品な舌ざわりは、まさに美味の贅を極めた芸術品です。赤身肉に網の目状に入った美しい霜降り、京都肉の表情をお愉しみください。

「iki」な おもてなしの心を大切に、素材本来の味にこだわった料理人が仕立てる、旬のお料理と京都の四季をお届けしています。

京都肉「雅」特別会席 16000円


Effectuer une réservation

2 personnes


Informations supplémentaires

  • Atmosphère
  • Prix
    10.001 ¥ et plus
  • Cuisine(s)
  • Heures d'ouverture
    Tous les jours 17:00–22:00 Il se peut qu'il y ait des exceptions à l'horaire ci-dessus. Assurez-vous d'utiliser l'outil de recherche pour confirmer les disponibilités.
  • Numéro de téléphone
  • Code vestimentaire
    Tenue d'affaires décontractée

Avis des clients

Évaluation globale (notes et avis)

Seuls les clients qui ont déjà visité ce restaurant peuvent soumettre des avis avec des notes

5 d'après toutes les évaluations
  • 5Plats
  • 5Service
  • 5Atmosphère
  • 5Rapport qualité-prix


4 avis
  1. OpenTable Diner


    1 avis


    1 avis

    Y est allé·e le 13 septembre 2023

    1. Global 5
    2. Plats 5
    3. Service 5
    4. Atmosphère 5
    Premium kyoto beef is incorporated from the starter to the final dish. Every dish was delicious and melted in my mouth. Especially, the sirloin and fillet were masterpieces. As someone who loves meat and particularly adores Japanese beef, I consider this spot a gourmet paradise. Though this gem remains undiscovered by many, it's truly deserving of high acclaim.

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  2. OpenTable Diner


    1 avis


    1 avis

    Y est allé·e le 10 septembre 2023

    1. Global 5
    2. Plats 5
    3. Service 5
    4. Atmosphère 5
    All of us were impressed how good the beef and every dish was. The menu at Nikukappo Futago is predominantly meat-centered. Think 7 courses of banquet dishes featuring Kyoto beef ranked A4 and A5 expertly cooked in a variety of ways. The top-quality beef is used in everything from the appetizer to the last dish. For a carnivore like myself and a huge fan of Japanese beef to boot, this place is an epicurean heaven. This hidden place is still not well known to many, remains a secret, but well worthy of the star praise.

    Cet avis est-il utile ?

  3. OpenTable Diner


    1 avis


    1 avis

    Y est allé·e le 8 septembre 2023

    1. Global 5
    2. Plats 5
    3. Service 5
    4. Atmosphère 5
    An experience of savoring the precious Kyoto beef! I had previously enjoyed yakiniku and shabu-shabu in Japan, but this was my first time being moved by a meat kaiseki, meticulously crafted with Japanese culinary techniques dish by dish, known as Niku-Kappo. Despite the variety of dishes, it wasn't too heavy and was very palatable. The grilled Sirloin and matsutake mushrooms, Beef tenderloin with sea urchin teriyaki and sukiyaki pot rice were especially delicious. Highly recommend this restaurant if you like Wagyu.

    Cet avis est-il utile ?

  4. OpenTable Diner


    1 avis


    1 avis

    Y est allé·e le 31 août 2023

    1. Global 5
    2. Plats 5
    3. Service 5
    4. Atmosphère 5
    初めて食べた京都牛でしたが、洗練された懐石料理で、一品一品が繊細で最高においしかったです。 「先附」のフィレのたれ焼きは、柚子の香りが爽やかで、雲丹や賀茂茄子、銀杏との組み合わせが絶妙。 「御椀」の松茸のお椀は、和牛モモの煮麺とパプリカ、芒柚が絶妙に組み合わさり、深い味わいを楽しめます。 「焼物」のサーロインの朴葉焼きや和牛タンは、葱味噌や柚とともに、繊細な焼き加減で最高でした。 「強肴」の『雅』リブロースのしゃぶしゃぶは、松茸や穴子、水菜と共に湯葉と酢立醤油でいただく、上品な一皿です。 「箸休」のマルシンと酢の物は、スモークサーモンや椎茸、舞茸が調和し、土佐酢ゼリーが爽やかなアクセントです。 「釜炊」では、特製ブレンド米と三角バラのすき焼きが本当においしかったです、こんなおいしいお米初めて食べました。  最後の栗ぃむブリュレは、絶妙な甘さと食感を楽しむことができます。栗好きとしては、これだけでも買って帰りたいですね。

    Cet avis est-il utile ?


Le restaurant 肉割烹ふたご THE JUNEI HOTEL KYOTO est noté 5 étoiles par 4 clients OpenTable.

Oui, vous pouvez généralement réserver ce restaurant en choisissant la date, l'heure et le nombre de personnes sur OpenTable.

Effectuer une réservation

2 personnes


Google Map pour 肉割烹ふたご THE JUNEI HOTEL KYOTO

京都府京都市東山区本町4−139 The Junei Hotel Kyoto 1f, 605-0908 Kyoto, 26

Informations supplémentaires

  • Quartier
  • Heures d'ouverture
    Tous les jours 17:00–22:00 Il se peut qu'il y ait des exceptions à l'horaire ci-dessus. Assurez-vous d'utiliser l'outil de recherche pour confirmer les disponibilités.
  • Prix
    10.001 ¥ et plus
  • Cuisine(s)
  • Atmosphère
  • Code vestimentaire
    Tenue d'affaires décontractée
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  • Numéro de téléphone
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