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Les meilleurs restaurants de Da'an District, Taiwan à proximité

Type de cuisine (20 sur 50)

1000 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 漢來海港 敦化店
Prix : raisonnable
• Fruits de mer • Da'an District
Réservé 11 fois aujourd'hui
歡迎您使用漢來海港線上訂位/候位系統!!【2024母親節訂位須知】3/1日開放訂位◎5/4、5/5晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為120分鐘;午餐、下午餐用餐時間正常供應。◎5/11、5/12午餐、晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為120分鐘;下午餐暫停供應。◆訂位需加收訂金,訂位完成後,會於5日內與您聯繫。◆5/4、5/5不適用晚鳥優惠;5/11、5/12各項優惠恕不適用;持餐券者可補差額使用。◆午餐 第一輪(A)11:15-13:15、第二輪(B)13:45-15:45◆晚餐 第一輪(A)17:00-19:00、第二輪(B)19:30-21:30【線上訂位需知】1.如遇線上訂位額滿,建議您〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況而定。2.當日需至現場櫃枱辦理報到,依序排隊入場,敬請見諒。3.因桌次有限,訂位後將依現場狀況排桌入席,恕無法指定座位。4.本餐廳最大座位數為8人桌,若訂位人數超過5人(含)需分桌。5.訂位人數為1人時將依現場狀況安排個人座位或併桌。6.如遇特殊節日(農曆春節、母親節.等),將視訂位狀況收取訂金,餐廳將有專人致電與您聯繫訂金事宜,謝謝!!7.開車前往用餐的來賓還請注意預留充足時間。【消費方式】1.本餐廳需另加收10%服務費。2.訂位保留10分鐘,逾時座位將取消不再另行通知。3.餐廳禁帶外食,敬請配合,謝謝!!4.請勿攜帶寵物入內(導盲犬除外,需事先告知),不便之處敬請見諒!
Photo du restaurant 好米亞
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Da'an District
Réservé 7 fois aujourd'hui
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant Le Blanc
Prix : très cher
• Américaine • Da'an District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
***Attention****Store closing for remodeling from 11st to 26th Jun.Due to our limited lobsters everyday, please reserve in the comments at least 3 days in advance when making the reservation, otherwise we can not guarantee availability.Our Burgers are also limited daily, but are not available to be reserved, please kindly ask our staff while ordering to check.Booking time for Lunch: 11:30-14:00 (14:30 Last Call)Booking time for Dinner: 17:30-20:30 (21:00 Last Call)Our dinner service is organized in two seatings.First Seating: 18:00 or 18:30 booking, dining time will be 2 hours until 20:00 or 20:30.Second Seating: 20:00 or 20:30, no time limit.For the guests who book on 11:30 or 12:00 for lunch, dining time will also be 2 hours until 13:30 or 14:00.*Please book seats for kids, but baby chairs are not available
Photo du restaurant ivette Da An
Prix : raisonnable
• Café • Da'an District
? Reservation Guide▪️We accept bookings on the inline platform 14 days in advance.▪️There are tables available for walk-in guests.▪️Reserved tables will be held for 10 minutes only.▪️There is a 110 minute table time limit (beginning from the booking time for reservations or seating time for walk-in customers).▪️Please advise us in advance if you need to cancel or change your reservation to help us better prepare for your meals and avoid wastage.? Opening Hours▪️09:00-17:30 (kitchen closes at 16:30) (bar closes at 17:20)? Payment and Service▪️There is a 10% service charge on all items.▪️* Payment methods: cash / credit card / Apple & Google Pay? Pet Rules▪️We are pet friendly.  Pets may be parked in the dog parking area or stay on the ground next to your table freely, but need to be in their carriers if they require any seat. please bring your own pet basket for pet seating on furniture. Please ensure the proper removal and disposal of excrements produced by your own pet.? Dining Guide▪️Customers are required to order at least 1 item on the menu (children under 100cm in height are omitted from this rule).▪️No outside food or drinks are allowed.▪️There is a $200 cleaning fee for any celebratory cakes.▪️Corkage fee is $500 per bottle.?‍?‍?‍? Large group bookings▪️For information on venue or group bookings for 8+ persons, please inquire via LINE @686haoyf.▪️Simply provide your preferred date, time, number of persons, booking name and contact number, our staff will get back to you ASAP.▪️A $3000 holding fee is required for large reservations of 12+ persons, which is non-refundable for cancellations within 24 hours of the reservation time.?Takeaway & delivery services are available online.▪️Inline & Uber Eats
Photo du restaurant 拾漁
Prix : raisonnable
• Non-specifiée • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
一般訂位原則:1. 用餐時段分為12:00~14:00 / 17:30~19:20 / 19:30~21:30 三個時段,除特定休假日另行公佈外,無公休日。2. 線上預訂可預訂60天內的訂位,電話預訂可預訂至下個月月底之前之訂位。3. 線上訂位最多可訂8位,超過8位請使用電話預約0975-851010。4. 小孩食用大人套餐煩請訂位歸類為『大人』。5. 本店沒有兒童座椅,若有嬰兒推車請於備註註名。6. 恕不接受素食訂位。7. 有任何食物禁忌請提前告知並備註,不吃生食者僅提供全熟食定食套餐。8. 本餐廳為無菜單板前日本料理,皆為板前位置無包廂,每位1,500元+10%服務費,自2023年7月1日起,調整為每位1,600元+10%服務費。9. 未滿12歲以下兒童無低消限制,可點兒童餐980元+10%服務費亦或單點,餐點包含海鮮蒸蛋、和牛蓋飯、可爾必思、一道熟食、厚蛋燒、味增湯、甜點或水果。10. 全面禁帶外食及飲料,若有自備蛋糕需求請來電告知,建議蛋糕不宜過大、包裝不宜過高,若是冰箱放置不下只能放置常溫。11. 任何時段遲到超過原訂位時間過久,店家保有視同取消訂位的權利。12. 訂位時需留下信用卡資料以完成訂位手續。13. 本店禁止攜帶寵物,導盲犬除外。14. 自行帶酒酌收1個杯子洗杯費100元+10%服務費,自行攜帶酒杯也會收取一個杯子100元+10%服務費。15. 當月壽星需提前3天致電告知,或是於inline上訂位時於備註欄位備註。
Photo du restaurant 維多麗亞酒店 N°168 PRIME敦化店
Prix : très cher
• Chinoise (Canton) • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
?Traffic informationSOGO Department Store, Dunhua Hall, 7th Floor, near Renai Circle, next to Fuxing Primary and Secondary School. The department store can be parked, and the restaurant can be used for parking. The maximum limit is 3 hours. More than 3 hours are subject to department store charges.It is close to MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing and Zhongxiao Dunhua, Exit 12 of the Eastern District Underground Street, and arrives in 2 minutes.?Special seat requirementsIf you have special requirements for the seat (baby carriage, wheelchair, etc.), please contact us.? Corkage feeCorkage fee for wine is NT$800 per bottle, and for spirits is NT$1,500 per bottle. If you order wine at our restaurant, you can get corkage fee free. ? CelebrationFor birthday, anniversary or other celebrations, please let us know in advance.? Dietary restrictionsIf you have dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance when booking, our chef will adjust the menu with the ingredients available on the day.???? group activity• The reservation is guaranteed with credit card authorization form, and a group of 6 or more people must pay 30% deposit.• Groups of 10 or more people are advised to order food in advance to facilitate the restaurant to prepare in advance and provide better services.• For independent privacy, our restaurant is equipped with a choice of private room for up to 6 people, from NT$10,000.• For special events, please contact us directly.Sogo168prime@grandvictoria.com.tw
Photo du restaurant 雅室牛排 仁愛圓環店
Prix : raisonnable
• Steak • Da'an District
★ 用餐時段與時限??平日中午:用餐時間80分鐘??平日晚餐及假日全天:用餐時間2小時‼️商業午餐僅於平日(含補班日)午餐時段供應,例假日恕不供應‼️用餐時間起迄依照『訂位時間』開始計算,敬請配合‼️若訂位時間較晚,用餐時間僅至營業時間結束止★ 訂位規定
・訂位將為您保留10分鐘,逾時自動取消・網路開放一個月內?4人(含)以內?訂位(包含孩童),5人以上與包廂訂位請來電洽詢 02-2775-3011
・雅室保留取消或更改預約的權利★ 營業時間
午餐 11:30~15:00 (最後點餐為14:00)
晚餐 17:30~22:00 (最後點餐為20:30)★ 餐廳規定・每人最低消費為一份主餐,12歲以下低消200元(恕不得合併計算)・外帶酒品酌收開瓶費每瓶500元・本店將收取原消費金額之10%服務費★ 停車資訊台北市大安區仁愛路四段169號(富邦金融大樓)滿千折抵半小時($40),每台車至多折抵2小時
Photo du restaurant 初樂燒肉 東區大安店
Prix : raisonnable
• Barbecue • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 小小樹食
Prix : raisonnable
• Végétarienne / Végane • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
⚠️訂位保留10分鐘,逾時取消不另行通知。?大安店?️台北市大安區大安路一段116巷17號1樓?捷運忠孝復興站3號出口☎️02-2778-2277⏰用餐時間為100分鐘?️營業時間:12:00~21:00 (無公休)?️供餐時間午餐
12:00~15:00 餐點最後點餐 14:45
15:00~16:00 僅供應甜點及飲品16:00~17:00 無供應任何餐點及飲品晚餐
17:00~20:00 餐點最後點餐 19:45
20:00~20:30 僅供應甜點及飲品?歡迎提前預訂[整模蛋糕](https://www.littletreefood.com/cake)??小小樹食[大安店線上菜單](https://www.daan.littletreefood.com/menu)??若自行攜帶蛋糕入內需酌收蛋糕費 300 元?若自行攜帶酒類需酌收開瓶費 600 元
Photo du restaurant 聚 日式鍋物 台北SOGO忠孝店
Prix : raisonnable
• Shabu-shabu • Da'an District
Réservé 9 fois aujourd'hui
以真心誠意的日式鍋物,讓氣氛 更沸騰、讓交流 更熱絡、讓歡聚 更有滋味,今天來聚吧!

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