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Meilleurs restaurants fusion à Zhonghe District


71 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 花酒蔵餐酒館  AplusDiningSakeBar
Prix : cher
• Fusion • Da'an District
【Welcome】Aplus Dining Sake Bar is a relaxed and friendly bistro. We hope you enjoy our fusion-style Japanese food and sake selection. Experienced sommeliers is awlays ready to provide you sake pairing suggestions for your pleasant dining experience.【Average Price Per Customer】Lunch: Business Lunch Set $380~$480/setDinner: $800~$1000/person, drinks are not included(Prices are for reference only, subject to actual use)No minimum consumption, 10% service charge is required【Corkage Fee】There are more than 120 items of sake in Aplus, as well as a variety of red and white wines and spirits to choose from. $500 per bottle of corkage fee will be charged, if you bring your own beverages.【Reservation Notice】1. It is necessary to reserve a table 2 hours before arriving. Reservation within 30 days is available for online booking.2. The dining time is limited to 90 minutes. Our manager may extend your dining time depending on the on-site operating conditions.3. Thers is 10 minutes flexible time for possible lateness. If overtime, the seat will be canceled without prior notice. If you will arrive early or be late, please call us in advanc, thank you. (02) 27319266.4. If you are unable to attend your reservation, please cancel the reservation 2 hours before, to keep your right to make another reservation next time.5. If you need to change time or the number of customers, please call us in advance. (02) 27319266.6. Designated seats (ex. window seat.) are not accepted. If you have special needs, please inform in the other remarks field (ex. one vegetarian meal). Your needs will be arranged according to the on-site operating conditions.7. For reservations for more than 8 people, private dining, or if you need an independent dining area, please call (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.8. Reservations for this moment, or there are no available seats on the day you expect; we have a few seats reserved on site, please call the reservation hotline (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.
Photo du restaurant 和牛47 微風南山店
Prix : très cher
• Fusion • District de Xinyi
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
High Rise Yakiniku Kaiseki Restaurant with Wagyu Lavish Fine Dining Experience in All Senses with Highest Quality WagyuWagyu 47 has a scenic view overlooking Taipei 101. Thecuisine we serve is the perfect combination of yakiniku, wagyu sushi, and Kaiseki. Menus are named after four seasons, and the seasonal dishes defines “Fine Dining with Deluxe Wagyu”. Tableside service allows the customers to immerse themselves in beautiful scenery and deliciousness, creating unforgettable memories of “Enjoying the best wagyu with special ones on any special days”
Photo du restaurant 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 中山店
Prix : cher
• Fusion • Datong District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
Photo du restaurant 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 台北總站
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
Photo du restaurant Oli西班牙餐酒館
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • Xindian District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
◆訂位須知我們同時開放線上訂位及電話訂位,若您收到訂位確認簡訊,且至網頁回覆「訂位保留」,方符合訂位成功資格,本餐廳保有最終更改之權力。如果您需要取消或重新安排時間,請告知我們,因為這會影響我們的工作人員和其他可能正在等待座位的客人。訂位將為您保留十分鐘,如果您遲到,請致電02-2910-5887與我們聯繫!如未接到聯繫電話,將會依現場候位,轉讓給候補客人。座位時間限制為2小時,但會依據現場情況變更。◆特殊座位需求若您有對座位的特殊需求,我們會盡力為您安排,但無法為您保證,需要視當天狀況而定。◆最低消費最低消費金額為每人600元,不限餐點酒水,6歲以下孩童除外。◆訂金要求及返還規則訂位人數超過8位,我們將收取訂金。收取規則如下:8-10位 2000元11-15位 3000元16-20位 5000元21位含以上 10000元包場訂金 10000元訂金請在訂位電話後3天內匯款至指定帳戶或蒞臨本店付款。支付訂金後始為您保留座位,如需變更請在用餐日前十日前聯絡我們,則訂金全數返還。五至十日前取消,則返還50%訂金。五日內取消訂金恕不返還。如果訂位人數有變,請提前告知我們。我們將盡最大努力為您提供幫助,但由於座位有限若訂位完成後臨時需增加人數,將不另行提供額外桌位,有可能用餐過程會變得較為壅擠。◆開瓶費計算規則本店禁帶外食,若自帶酒水則開瓶費收取費用規則如下:?葡萄酒(750ml)每瓶將收取NTD$500的開瓶費和服務費。?烈酒每瓶將收取NTD$1000的開瓶費和服務費。包場本店另有提供開瓶費優惠方案,歡迎洽詢。◆飲食限制本店禁帶外食。本店會依照季節食材更換菜單,並且視節令使用特殊食材提供特餐,現行菜單以FB粉絲專頁公布為準,非本季菜單所含之品項恕不提供,敬請見諒。每道餐點皆採新鮮食材手工製作,為維持最佳品質故每日提供數量有限,若有特定需要的菜色,歡迎於訂位時告知,本店將為您預先保留。◆孩童這是一個成人場所,裡面有酒、音樂等元素。我們歡迎有孩子的家庭蒞臨,若有嬰幼兒等孩童較易哭鬧者為確保用餐環境品質及每位客人的用餐權益,請妥善管教。本餐廳無提供兒童餐。◆團體及包場對於8人及以上的聚會,我們建議客人提前選擇菜單,以利廚房準備充足份量。若須詢問包場相關事項,歡迎於本店粉絲專頁私訊小編,將會依照您的需求提供估價單等資料供您選擇。粉絲專頁連結:https://www.facebook.com/olirestauranteybar/?locale=zh_TW包場最低消費額計算如下:週一至週四以及星期六日中午:25位以下總低消30000,超過25位則每位加計1200。星期五六日晚上:30位以下總低消50000,超過30位則每位加計1600。包場低消總費用包含當日酒水、餐點,服務費另計。★訂位確認後即表示您同意以上規則,為了提供顧客完美用餐體驗與品質、尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,故本餐廳制定上述說明,謝謝您的體諒與配合。若有其他問題歡迎來電(02)2910-5887詢問。
Photo du restaurant Le Kief  菱玖洋服
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • Da'an District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
**【 Booking Policy】**? Le Kief takes online reservation within one month. Please be ready to be seated at the time of your reservation. Should you arrive more than 10 mins after your booking time, you may lose your table to another group.? Le Kief is only able to accommodate specific number of guests and might not be able to add extra seats with short notice. If you wish to change the number of your party, please call us in advance for further arrangement. **【菱玖洋服 Le Keif's Notes】**Up to 2.5 hours on every Friday and Saturday. ?‍?‍?‍? To ensure you receive the best level of service from us, for the party of 5 or more, please contact our team directly by phone.?Please be informed that there is a minimum charge of TWD$500 per person, with additional 10% service charge.**【ROOM's Notes】**⏱ Table time limit is 2 hours per group?‍?‍?‍? To ensure you receive the best level of service from us, we recommend party of 2 per booking. For party of 5 or more, please leave us message at https://goo.gl/QQTzbW。?Please be informed that there is a minimum order of 1 set menu per guest, with additional 10% service charge.
Photo du restaurant 想聚 Mr.Jardeng
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
本餐廳接受30天內訂位。一、餐廳資訊每人低消一份主食餐點,低消不得與他人合併使用。6人以上訂位,需預付訂金2000元(取消訂位則沒收訂金)。訂金支付可至店家付款或加入line官方帳號(@mjd49) 洽詢專人匯款服務。營業時間:每日 AM: 12:00 - PM16:00PM: 18:00 - PM21:30用餐時間90分鐘餐廳地址:台北市中正區羅斯福路四段148號一樓訂席專線:(02) 8953-18550976736224二、生日優惠。凡當月壽星地標評論五星者即可獲贈生日蛋糕一份(生日蛋糕為隨機贈送無法做指定)三、包場預約目前僅接受電話預約,最多可容納人數 32位,歡迎致電將由專人接洽。包場時段及費用:平日12:00-16:00 $2000018:00-21:30 $30000例假日12:00-16:00 $3000018:00-21:30 $40000可抵店內消費,服務費另計。需預付2成訂金(取消則沒收訂金)為維持食材新鮮,食材準備依訂席確認後事先提前備料,請於三天前完成菜單確認。如需更改請於訂席前三天聯絡變更。四、預約注意事項特殊訂席需求(如:包場或6人以上訂位)請於營業時間電洽,將由專人為您接洽。餐廳提供室內座位排定以訂席先後時間、人數依序做適當安排, 恕無法指定座位服務。訂席如有特殊需求,請於營業時間撥打訂席專線洽詢。為維護品質,部分餐點限量供應,由於食材須提前準備,包廂、包場或超過 6 人以上多人團體,餐點建議提前完成預點及預留,避免耽誤您的用餐時間,如有 需求請於營業時間電洽。訂席保留 10 分鐘(以訂席時間為準),若未能準時抵達將視同取消訂席。餐廳禁帶外食,嬰兒食品除外。酒水服務費:葡萄酒 NT$500/瓶;烈酒NT$1000/瓶訂席方式開放線上訂席與電話訂席與接受 Facebook 及 IG 留 言或私訊訂席。如有不便,敬請見諒,謝謝!餐廳僅提供奶蛋素/健康素,無法提供全素餐點,如有飲食方面禁忌,請提前告知。
Photo du restaurant 瀚寓酒店 弈夢紅樓
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • District de Xinyi
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 好嶼 HOSU
Prix : très cher
• Fusion • Da'an District
Welcome to our island - HOSU. To optimize your dining experience, please read the following information carefully, we look forward to seeing you soon.[ Opening Hours ] Tuesday to Saturday18:00 - 22:00. Seats are only reserved for 15 minutes. Overtime will be charged 1,000 TWD/person and no seat will be allowed.[ Store holidays ]Every Sunday & Monday.Holiday or special events closures will be shown on the booking page calendar and social media.[ Menu ]- Seasonal: starting from $2,880TWD/person- wine pairing: 3 glasses TWD 1,280/person- wine pairing: 5 glasses TWD 1,580/person- wine pairing: 7 glasses TWD 1,980/person- Water charge: 100 TWD/person- 10% service charge[ Corkage Fee Policy ]- Wine, Japanese sake, spirits within 750ML 500TWD/bottle[ General Policy ]- We can adjust the menu content due to seasons, including vegetables, fish, meat, etc.- We reserve the right to cancel or change reservations.- To maintain the dining experience, children under 12 years old are not allowed. If bringing children under 12 years old is considered a violation of restaurant regulations, we will have the right to cancel the reservation and charge TWD 1,000 per person as a temporary cancellation.- No takeout service. No outside food and drink allowed.- Pets other than guide dogs are not allowed.- If you have wheelchairs or customers with limited mobility who need assistance, please contact us through social media.- If you have any dietary restrictions, please note them when booking and we will customize a special meal for you.- We offer vegetarian set meal with egg, milk, and spices at TWD 3,180 per person. Please make a note when making a reservation. - We DO NOT provide gluten-free/ Egg & milk free meal customization.- To maintain the dining experience of other customers, flash or own lighting equipment is prohibited; commercial photography is prohibited during the meal in this restaurant. Violators will be charged ten times the price of a single meal.- We CAN NOT assign seats and do not accept temporary changes or assigned seats.
Photo du restaurant 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 信義ATT店
Prix : raisonnable
• Fusion • District de Xinyi
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
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