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Best Fusion Restaurants in Banqiao District


71 restaurants available nearby

A photo of 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 板橋店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Banqiao District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
A photo of 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 中山店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Fusion • Datong District
乾杯燒肉居酒屋 中山店 stands out as a noteworthy venue for fine 亞洲菜 cuisine. This establishment has received rave reviews for its excellent quality, especially the beef, which is of high-quality yet affordably priced. Patrons express great satisfaction with every piece of meat savored there. In addition to the meat, the side dishes also leave an unforgettable impression. The corn with cheese and spice, in particular, is highly lauded for its delectable flavor. The restaurant's commitment to delivering exquisite food experiences makes it a quintessential choice for 亞洲菜 cuisine lovers.
A photo of 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 台北總站 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
A photo of 想聚 Mr.Jardeng restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
本餐廳接受30天內訂位。一、餐廳資訊每人低消一份主食餐點,低消不得與他人合併使用。6人以上訂位,需預付訂金2000元(取消訂位則沒收訂金)。訂金支付可至店家付款或加入line官方帳號(@mjd49) 洽詢專人匯款服務。營業時間:每日 AM: 12:00 - PM16:00PM: 18:00 - PM21:30用餐時間90分鐘餐廳地址:台北市中正區羅斯福路四段148號一樓訂席專線:(02) 8953-18550976736224二、生日優惠。凡當月壽星地標評論五星者即可獲贈生日蛋糕一份(生日蛋糕為隨機贈送無法做指定)三、包場預約目前僅接受電話預約,最多可容納人數 32位,歡迎致電將由專人接洽。包場時段及費用:平日12:00-16:00 $2000018:00-21:30 $30000例假日12:00-16:00 $3000018:00-21:30 $40000可抵店內消費,服務費另計。需預付2成訂金(取消則沒收訂金)為維持食材新鮮,食材準備依訂席確認後事先提前備料,請於三天前完成菜單確認。如需更改請於訂席前三天聯絡變更。四、預約注意事項特殊訂席需求(如:包場或6人以上訂位)請於營業時間電洽,將由專人為您接洽。餐廳提供室內座位排定以訂席先後時間、人數依序做適當安排, 恕無法指定座位服務。訂席如有特殊需求,請於營業時間撥打訂席專線洽詢。為維護品質,部分餐點限量供應,由於食材須提前準備,包廂、包場或超過 6 人以上多人團體,餐點建議提前完成預點及預留,避免耽誤您的用餐時間,如有 需求請於營業時間電洽。訂席保留 10 分鐘(以訂席時間為準),若未能準時抵達將視同取消訂席。餐廳禁帶外食,嬰兒食品除外。酒水服務費:葡萄酒 NT$500/瓶;烈酒NT$1000/瓶訂席方式開放線上訂席與電話訂席與接受 Facebook 及 IG 留 言或私訊訂席。如有不便,敬請見諒,謝謝!餐廳僅提供奶蛋素/健康素,無法提供全素餐點,如有飲食方面禁忌,請提前告知。
A photo of AGUSTO奧古斯托 義法餐酒館 板橋店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Fusion • Tucheng District
【營業時間】午餐:11:30a.m. - 03:30p.m. (最後點餐時間:03:00p.m. )晚餐:05:00p.m. - 09:00p.m. (最後點餐時間:08:30p.m.)【訂位須知】※貼心提醒 【點餐 + 用餐】總時長為100分鐘※・線上訂位僅接受八人(含)以下訂位,若訂位人數超過九人(含)以上或包場預訂請於營業時間電洽各門店與我們聯繫。・完成訂位前請再次確認訂位日期、用餐時間、訂位大名、人數及食材禁忌等。・本餐廳僅接電話、官方LINE及官網線上訂位系統方式預約訂位。恕不接受經由社群軟體留言,訊息或其他非官方網站等地訂位,感謝您的諒解。・訂位保留15分鐘,未能準時出席,請來電 (02)2955-3186 通知訂位門市。・如需更改或取消預訂,最晚請於訂位時間前6小時,來電或透過網路訂位系統進行變更。・訂位時請註明特殊用餐需求(飲食禁忌/過敏食材/當日或當月壽星慶生/結婚週年紀念日等)・因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。・為保障其他顧客權益,取消三次拒絕提供線上訂位服務!・如有私人包場或特別活動訂位需求, 請透過電話或官方LINE ID:@agusto 與我們聯絡。【注意事項】・禁用外食/外帶飲料。・如有特殊需求或協助,請備註欄內註記。(兒童椅、行動不便者)・座位安排依現場狀況為準,不接受指定座位服務。・餐廳空間有限,如需更改人數請提前告知。・恕不接受寵物入內(導盲犬除外)。・自備酒水酌收開瓶費NT$ 320 (以750ml為基準如超過以倍數計算)。・請不要穿著帶有歧視或攻擊性語言的衣服、過於暴露的內衣、短褲與背心與居家拖鞋。
A photo of 黑毛屋 微風台北車站店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
A photo of 黑毛屋 新莊宏匯店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Fusion • Taishan District
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
A photo of 乾杯燒肉居酒屋 新莊宏匯店 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Fusion • Taishan District
Booked 1 time today
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
A photo of 樂雅樂餐廳 站前店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Zhongzheng District
## 法式餐桌 x 北海道大干貝? 2024.04.03~ 2024.06.02 ❤️‍? 2024年春季以法式料理的風味與多樣性為靈感,巧妙運用嚴選食材「日本北海道3S大干貝」,主廚創意研發精緻又奢華的法式料理?在這浪漫的季節裡,邀請你來到樂雅樂品嚐每道餐點,一同感受到法國春日清新氣息?#### -## ? 樂情邀請你來用餐? 歡迎線上訂位。為維護大家的用餐品質及安全,樂雅樂餐廳打造安心的用餐環境:✅本店備有酒精供顧客使用✅本店三番、餐桌、餐具定時清潔✅用餐時間限1.5小時#### -#### 看更多資訊?? [https://www.royalpark.com.tw/]( https://www.royalpark.com.tw/)#### -
A photo of 狸君居酒屋 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Fusion • Zhongshan District
午市、晚市、宵夜,狸君居酒屋整天陪著您!?狸君居酒屋⏰營業時間:上午十一點~清晨六點 11:00a.m.~06:00a.m.?訂位專線:(02)2531-8278 (歡迎包場聚餐)⁠⁠https://bit.ly/3ZqRFrs?地址:104台北市中山區中山北路一段121巷28號https://goo.gl/maps/ttXC75X7UzSZ3hFD7#狸君居酒屋 #TanukiKun #台北美食 #中山區 #七條通 #日本料理 #居酒屋 #酒館 #日料 #串燒 #深夜食堂 #宵夜唯一選擇 #中山區美食 #條通美食 #美食推薦 #台北居酒屋 #台北餐廳 #台北宵夜 #台北必吃 #台灣 #台北 #謝謝狸友分享 #我吃故我在 #吃貨人生
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