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Meilleurs restaurants chinois (pékinois) à Zhongshan District


225 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 阿城鵝肉 吉林二店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 丰禾 台式小館 台北南京東店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongshan District
Photo du restaurant 川郎活蟹海鮮料理
Prix : très cher
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 餡老滿 吉林店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongshan District
【?最新活動】-?點10成金|冷凍餃特價十包3000元(可分次提領) ?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息>期間限定活動](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/DumplingsX10)?端午禮盒|來自台中的「實心蛋捲」,精心研發好入口的小尺寸蛋捲,同時保留千層酥脆口感,獲獎無數?喜氣包裝,送禮精緻又大方,現貨供應中!另加贈茶包福袋,歡迎洽門市試吃與訂購。?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息>期間限定活動](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news_detail/Double5th-2024)? 宮廷宴席|每桌特價8800元起,匯集各路菜系山珍海味,精心呈現豪華宮廷饗宴。? 圓滿分享餐|精選2~8人份經典菜色,點餐不煩惱!? 季節料理新上市?VIP會員招募中~[加餡老滿官方LINE](https://lin.ee/zwVr9Za) 綁定資料快速入會!會員可領取入會禮、生日禮、升級禮等專屬優惠,來店消費滿額自動集點,輕鬆兌換超值餐點!?活動詳見 [官網>最新消息>會員專區](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/news/VIP/1)-【?訂位說明】-▲包廂數量:1間(可容納14人),包廂低消NT$10,000/桌▲開放30日內預約。▲接受1~10位(大人+小孩)訂位,超過10位或想包場,請於營業時間電洽預約,也歡迎私訊? [FB粉專](https://www.facebook.com/xianlaoman) 或 [LINE官方帳號](https://lin.ee/r6AXI6E) 洽詢▲如欲使用餐券,平日請提前預約,假日請務必1天以前預約,預約及到店時請告知使用兌換券,恕不接受未預約及未主動告知使用兌換券者使用。▲訂位成功將發送簡訊/Email通知,如有加【?[inline的LINE官方帳號](https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=inline) 】請優先查看LINE。-【?訂金說明】-▲用餐當天預付的訂金將直接抵扣當日餐費不予退刷返還▲為維護各位貴賓之訂位權益,預訂桌菜/包廂 或 年節/母親節等特殊節日用餐,將酌收20%訂金(接受現金/刷卡/匯款),所支付之訂金將折抵當日消費,並於消費當日開立發票。▲若因故需取消訂位請提前7天主動聯繫餐廳,我們將依通知抵達日酌量退還訂金 (用餐日當天不納入計算): 7天前通知→全額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3~7天前通知→半額退費 (退款金額需扣除手續費50元) 3天內通知或無通知→恕不退費 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)▲訂位保留10分鐘,逾時未到場也未主動聯繫餐廳視為取消訂位,恕不退還訂金 (可保留至下次來店用餐使用)。▲若餐廳因故臨時無法營業,或遇上天災/政府法令等不可抗力因素導致無法如期用餐,將全額退還訂金 (不扣除手續費)。-【?用餐說明】-▲禁帶外食、禁帶寵物(導盲犬除外)▲因市場雞蛋短缺,廠商供貨不穩,故部分使用雞蛋之料理?將依各店現場狀況調整食材或暫時停售,敬請見諒。▲支付方式:現金、信用卡(VISA, MasterCard, JCB, 銀聯)、電子支付(LINE Pay, 街口支付, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay)-【?交通資訊】-▲鄰近車站:近捷運松江南京站3號出口▲停車資訊:長安國小地下停車場 [Google Map](goo.gl/maps/QATBTYzXHnybfXWL8) ⚠此非特約停車場,恕無停車折抵優惠。▲現場照片與詳細交通指引可參見?[官網>竭誠服務](https://www.xianlaoman.com.tw/service/Intro-Jilin)
Photo du restaurant 海底撈火鍋 京站店
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Beijing) • Datong District
Réservé 12 fois aujourd'hui
### 訂位需知 ###1. 用餐當日需人數到齊,準時至現場報到,餐廳無保留座位的時間,逾時餐位將自動取消。2. 因用餐沒有時間限制,若屆時未有符合的餐位,請於現場耐心等候。3. 若您有需要更改訂位的日期、時間或人數等資訊,請務必來電告知,避免向隅4. 預訂假日或9人以上的餐位,懇請於每日09:00-22:00致電02-25590125/02-25590126,將由訂餐專員為您服務。5. 本店線上與電話訂餐系統分開,若線上訂餐已飽和,歡迎您致電訂餐專線。[![Alt Text](https://inline.imgix.net/menus/-KXIv2zV1CA0OJEVKDDm-LMB7-g1JANqX-NsNPuY-e331dc3c-9f0e-4b7d-a0f2-c10ed3e6287a_海底撈_外帶.png "Image Title (optional)")](https://inline.app/order/-LamXb5SAQN7JcJfyRKi:inline-live-2a466/-LamXbrHgLYzPCKRO3QD?language=zh-tw "Link Title (optional)")
Photo du restaurant 海底撈火鍋 慶城店
Prix : cher
• Chinese (Beijing) • Songshan District
Réservé 8 fois aujourd'hui
### 溫馨提醒 訂餐前請詳閱注意事項: ###1. 因新冠肺炎疫情擴散關係,單人套餐、雙人套餐活動截止。2. 餐位保留10分鐘,務必準時人數到齊報到,超時將自動取消餐位。3. 因用餐沒有時間限制,若報到當下無符合餐位出來,敬請耐心等候,有符合餐位將優先依序為訂位安排。4. 若您有需要更改訂位的日期、時間或人數等資訊,請務必來電告知,避免向隅。5. 預訂假日或8人以上的餐位,懇請於每日10:00-22:00致電02-27193155/ 02-27193156,將由訂餐專員為您服務。[![Alt Text](https://inline.imgix.net/menus/-KXIv2zV1CA0OJEVKDDm-LMB7-g1JANqX-NsNPuY-e331dc3c-9f0e-4b7d-a0f2-c10ed3e6287a_海底撈_外帶.png "立即外帶")](https://inline.app/order/-LamXb5SAQN7JcJfyRKi:inline-live-2a466/-LaoGLzfFssLTxPqiY2N?language=zh-tw "Link Title (optional)")
Photo du restaurant 亞都麗緻大飯店 天香樓-中式杭州菜
Prix : très cher
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongshan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2023 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.◎ 2018-2023 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taipei.*【Pre-order 24hours in advance】Traveling back hundreds of years, experience the food and tea culture of the Song Dynasty, limited to ten sets per day, Set Menu $3,800+10% per person, Tea Pairing $1,080+10% per person "Please Pre-Order by phone 1 day in advance or make a special note online "*【Pre-Order 2 days in advance】Fried Crab Meat Steamed in Orange、Baled Beggar's Chicken、Fairy Duck Soup*** For any dietary requirements, please indicate in “Other Remarks” – our Team will contact you for assistance.
Photo du restaurant 富宴精緻粵菜港式飲茶 新光三越台北站前店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongzheng District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 海底撈火鍋 西門店
Prix : raisonnable
• Chinese (Beijing) • Wanhua District
Réservé 4 fois aujourd'hui
![Alt text](https://i.imgur.com/mUaVSM5.jpeg)**訂位規則須知:**1.預訂假日或8人以上的餐位,請於每日11:00-22:00致電02-23146868,將由訂餐專員為您服務。2.預訂5~8人用餐將依照現場狀況安排開一到兩鍋的桌型,必須人數到齊才能入座,報到逾時或人數未到齊系統將自動取消。3.線上訂位只開放1/2座位預約,餐位保留10分鐘,務必準時人數到齊報到,逾時或未到齊將自動取消餐位。4.因用餐沒有時間限制,若報到當下無符合餐位出來,敬請耐心等候,有符合餐位將優先依序為訂位安排。5.若有需要更改訂位的日期、時間或人數等資訊,請務必來電告知,避免到現場沒有合適的空位,影響您的用餐權益。6.訂位人數請包含小朋友,坐推車的小小朋友也請算進去,預訂4人以上的餐位(若網路訂位已滿),可致電將由訂餐專員為您服務。 **【恕不接受訂位4位,實際為五位以上之用餐人數,若有嬰幼兒用餐,也請務必計算在內,方便餐廳準備兒童餐具及座椅。】**7.若同時預定兩組4人以下(含)餐位,將依現場情況隨機安排,恕無法致電幫您安排大桌或是坐在一起的座位。※週一至週五變臉表演時間為 12:30、18:30、20:30、22:30※週六週日及國定假日變臉表演時間為12:30、18:00、20:00、22:30※遊戲室開放時間11:00-20:50 消毒時間:13:50-17:00# 6月份無變臉日期:6/5(三).6/12(三).6/19(三).6/26(三)# 7月份無變臉日期:7/3(三).7/10(三).7/17(三).7/24(三).7/31(三)
Photo du restaurant 山海樓手工台菜餐廳 Mountain&Sea House
Prix : très cher
• Chinese (Beijing) • Zhongzheng District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
Reservation Guidelines 1. We accept reservations up to sixty days in advance. Once your reserved date and time has arrived, your spot will be held for ten minutes.2. Standard ReservationsCredit card information is required in order to make a reservation. We prepare the ingredients for every meal according to the number of guests expected. In order to avoid waste, please notify us of all changes and cancellations three days in advance. Changes, cancellations, and absences happening within three days of your reservation will incur a fee of NT$1,000 per guest, so please let us know as early as possible of all such changes (excluding uncontrollable circumstances). 3. Private Dining Room/ Special EventA. For all private dining or Special Event requests, please email msc@yfy-bio.com or call (02) 23513345 for personalized assistance.B. Minimum expenses (private dining room / Special Event):-10-seat private room: NT$10,000 depositLunch minimum: $20,000, Dinner: $25,000 Holiday All Day: NT$25,000-11- to 20-seat private room: NT$20,000 depositLunch minimum: $35,000, Dinner: $45,000 Holiday All Day: NT$45,000-Special event for more than 20-seat(20~40) reservations: NT$40,000 depositLunch minimum: $90,000, Dinner: $90,000C. Deposit/payment deadlinesOnce we’ve received your reservation request, you will be asked via text message to fill out and submit an electronic form with credit card information within two days. If the form is not correctly filled out and submitted within that time, the reservation will automatically be cancelled, and you will receive no subsequent reminders within that time.D. In order to avoid wasting specially prepared ingredients; please notify us of any cancellations or changes to your private room/ special event reservations at least three days ahead of time. Cancelling at least three days in advance will incur no fee; cancelling a reservation less than three days in advance will result in the for feature of your security deposit.4. Corkage: NT$ 500 per bottle5. Dietary restrictions: Please inform us in advance of any dietary restrictions your party may have.6. We’ve prepared the above guidelines in order to guarantee you the most satisfying and highest-quality dining experience possible while also respecting other guests and our hard-working wait staff. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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