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Meilleur·es bistrots à Neihu District


246 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant 教父牛排 Danny's Steak House
Prix : très cher
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Photo du restaurant 青樓中餐館
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Songshan District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
訂位前請詳閱以下須知:「包廂」或「超過10位以上」只接受電話預訂,線上不可預訂。包廂需預付3000$以上訂金(三天內付款,逾時視同取消訂位)。..招牌菜「北京烤鴨三吃」、「蒜香脆皮雞」、「東坡肉」需提前一天預訂「18:00以前」,若需預訂請在「備註欄位留下您想預訂的數量」。.Ex:鴨x1,雞x1,肉x1。.北京烤鴨三吃(片皮鴨、炒鴨絲、鴨粥):一份為x1,一份$2980,約4~6人份。脆皮雞:半隻為x1,整隻為x2,半隻$680(4~6人份),整隻$1280(5~8人份)。東坡肉:一份為x1,一份$680,約4~6人份。.活海鮮需提前三天預訂,只接受電話預訂,線上不可預訂。桌菜需提前三天預訂,只接受電話預訂,線上不可預訂。.?開瓶費每10人為單位$1000,(Ex.15人為$2000)。.?週五六17:30~18:00訂位者用餐限時2.5HR。?週五六17:30~18:00訂位者用餐限時2.5HR。?週五六17:30~18:00訂位者用餐限時2.5HR。.訂位專線:02-2578-8856。 青樓地址:台北市松山區八德路四段512-1號。..營業時間:週一至週四17:30-22:30。週五17:30-00:00。週六12:00-14:30、17:30-00:00。週日12:00-14:30、17:30-22:30。
Photo du restaurant 亞都麗緻大飯店 天香樓-中式杭州菜
Prix : très cher
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2023 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.◎ 2018-2023 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taipei.*【Pre-order 24hours in advance】Traveling back hundreds of years, experience the food and tea culture of the Song Dynasty, limited to ten sets per day, Set Menu $3,800+10% per person, Tea Pairing $1,080+10% per person "Please Pre-Order by phone 1 day in advance or make a special note online "*【Pre-Order 2 days in advance】Fried Crab Meat Steamed in Orange、Baled Beggar's Chicken、Fairy Duck Soup*** For any dietary requirements, please indicate in “Other Remarks” – our Team will contact you for assistance.
Photo du restaurant 隨意鳥地方餐飲集團 隨意鳥地方101觀景餐廳(85F)
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • District de Xinyi
Notes**※Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area**※If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※Reservations for over 4 people for dinner,or over 10 people for lunch,Will need prepay depositPlease to make us a call +886-2-81010016 or send us an e-mail:thebest200685f@yahoo.com.twwe will arrange for you**※We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time**※Please be advised we serve set courses for lunch and dinnerThe price of our lunch set is from NT$800~NT$4280.The price of our dinner set is from NT$1680~NT$6880.Except for the price of the set courses, we will also charge NT$40/per person for mineral water and all prices are subject to 10% for service charge. Please do not hesitate to make us a call or send us an e-mail if there's any requirement, thank you!
Photo du restaurant 隨意鳥地方餐飲集團 大安東尼 Da Antonio 內湖花市概念店
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Neihu District
Notes* Change the Language Please press the upper right sphere of language options*※即使是無法訂位的日子,請來電洽詢,有時候也能幫您備好座位。If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※網路訂位系統無法指定座位。Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area※如果無法選擇您要的人數,請來電洽詢。晚餐時段5位以上或午餐時段10位以上的訂位將會預收訂金,目前僅開放電話訂位,訂席專線02-81010016Reservations for over 4 people for dinner,or over 10 people for lunch,Will need prepay depositPlease to make us a call +886-2-81010016 or send us an e-mail:thebest200685f@yahoo.com.twwe will arrange for you※若是訂當天的座位,請來電洽詢。※若要變更或取消訂位,請來電洽詢。※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time※您訂位時提供的電話號碼或電子郵件若是有誤的話,將視為您取消訂位。請務必輸入正確的電話號碼和電子郵件。※若無事先通知而訂位卻沒來的話,以後可能無法再接受您的訂位。
Photo du restaurant 頁小館
Prix : cher
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant 舒曼六號餐館南京店
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Songshan District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️過敏原警示:本餐廳產品與有與其他含有甲殼類、芒果、花生、牛奶製品、羊奶製品、蛋、堅果類、芝麻、含麩質製品、大豆製品、魚製品、海鮮製品、亞硫酸鹽類的產品於同一廚房製作。食物過敏者嚴重者,強烈建議不適合在此用餐。WARNING!Allergen warning:The products in this restaurant are in the same kitchen as other products containing crustaceans, mangoes, peanut products, dairy products, eggs, nuts, sesame seeds, gluten-containing products, soybean products, fish products, seafood products, and sulfites make. Those with severe food allergies are strongly advised not to dine here.
Photo du restaurant 紀紀花 Nonoka Cafe Bistro
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Da'an District
歡迎來到 紀紀花Nonoka Cafe Bistro線上訂位系統●訂位※因席位安排,網路只開放限量名額訂位,若線上預約額滿時,歡迎來電詢問訂位※如有其他訂位問題請於11:30-21:30與我們聯繫 02-27319055※如有7人以上訂位,請電洽門市預約訂位 ● 營業時間&訂位時段Lunch - 11:30-15:30Dinner - 17: 00-21: 30● 消費規則※訂位、候位位子保留10分鐘,如逾時則取消位子不再另行通知※若自帶酒將酌收開瓶費:1000元/每瓶※餐廳不可攜帶寵物※餐廳不可攜帶外食及飲料(除蛋糕)※內用酌收10%服務費● 付款※可採現金、信用卡※第三方支付:Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, Line Pay.※目前無信用卡優惠活動
Photo du restaurant 渣男Taiwan Bistro 敦北三渣
Prix : raisonnable
• Bistro • Songshan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
每個成功的男人,在人生的某個階段,都曾是個不折不扣的渣男。➤訂位須知◎一個月內皆可預訂◎每天晚上5:30到凌晨1:30 (最後點餐時間0:30am、最後點酒時間1:00am)◎近捷運南京復興站6號出口◎不要自己帶吃的我有 (除生日蛋糕外,禁帶外食)。◎自行攜帶酒水酌收開瓶費每瓶$1000。◎理性飲酒請勿過量,如有嘔吐等髒污行為本店酌收清潔費$1000。◎因應特殊日子之訂位,逢週末及假日,5人以上(含5人)之訂位需綁定信用卡號,費用收取基準為每人187元。僅做為訂位出席保證之用途,不會收取任何費用。 -請於期限內完成信用卡綁定程序並收到確認簡訊方屬訂位成功。 -若取消訂位/更改人數或改期,請於用餐日的前一日完成取消或異動。 -預定之用餐於臨時取消、變更時間或未於訂位時間內抵達,將「會」有扣款產生。◎保留:座位保留5分鐘,完成訂位後如需更改人數或取消,煩請於營業時間致電給我們,必定盡力協助您做最適當的安排。◎如有其他訂位需求,請於營業時間內撥打訂位電話洽詢。◎無故不到或遲到的人客我們保留下次拒絕訂位的權利!◎用餐時間2小時。◎優質服務不另加收服務費。➤毛孩OK◎請勿讓毛孩在店內狂奔,請全程牽繩或不落地。◎請勿讓毛孩上餐桌、餐椅。◎請勿讓毛孩使用店內餐具,可洽渣哥提供專用碗具。◎請勿讓毛孩隨意大小便,(含店內與戶外空間),如有便溺行為需自行清理,如需協助將酌收清潔費1次500元(累計)。
Photo du restaurant Cantine Marais瑪黑餐酒 敦南店
Prix : cher
• Bistro • Songshan District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
4/22 (一)4/29(一)因人員教育訓練店休,不變之處敬請見諒【線上訂位】每月1號開放預訂下個月的訂位。訂位須知**低消一人午餐$800 晚餐$1000,12歲以下孩童不列入低消**可接受1-6位訂位(含大人與小孩)超過6人訂位請使用電話預約(02)27221987**訂位保留:訂位將保留10分鐘 (以訂位時間為準),逾時撥電話後未接聽,將自動取消訂位。**用餐時間:用餐時間限制120分鐘,現場服務人員會視情況彈性時間。**食材過敏:如有任何過敏或特殊狀況而忌口的食材,請麻煩在點餐時或提前告知。**更改人數: 若需臨時加位,或需更改人數、取消等請提早來電、私訊告知。**禁帶外食:自行攜帶葡萄酒酌收開瓶費500元/瓶、烈酒與超過1.5公升葡萄酒酌收開瓶費1000元/瓶。**結帳方式:現金、信用卡、Apple Pay、Line pay。(接受美國運通卡)** 營業時間為服務現場顧客用餐體驗,如遇電話忙線或無人接聽,可避開用餐時間撥打,於下午14:00PM-17:30PM來電。用餐時間:週二至週日 12:00-14:30 17:30-23:00 餐點最後點餐時間:21:00
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