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Meilleurs restaurants américains à Sanchong District


98 restaurants disponibles à proximité

Photo du restaurant Impromptu by Paul Lee
Prix : très cher
• American • Zhongshan District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
【Reservation Notice】-Impromptu by Paul Lee offers Chef's Impromptu Omakase at NT$3980 per person, exclusive of beverages and service charge. To present the most authentic flavors of the season, ingredients are subject to change only for allergy concerns or religious dietary restrictions. Please respect the chef's original concept as we do not accommodate individual preferences.-Reservations open on the 1st of each month for bookings two months in advance (e.g; bookings for August 1st to October 31st open on August 1st, and bookings for September 1st to November 30th open on September 1st). In-line reservations are available for the current month only (e.g; reservations from August 1st to August 30th open on August 1st).-Due to ingredient preparation requirements, walk-in additions are not accepted. Any changes to reservations must be made in advance by contacting the restaurant.-Upon successful reservation, a confirmation SMS will be sent. Please complete credit card authorization within three days. Authorization is solely for reservation guarantee and will not be charged. Failure to complete authorization within three days may result in reservation cancellation.-Cancellations or date changes must be made at least three days before the reservation date. Cancellations made within two days will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the seasonal set menu price per person (excluding service charge).-The restaurant serves dinner only and is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Phone reservations are accepted from 14:00 to 17:00 during operating days.-With an open kitchen layout, seating includes counter and table arrangements assigned randomly. Children under six are not accommodated. For elderly or special seating requests, please inform us in advance.-To ensure dining quality and experience, meal preparation begins upon guest arrival. Please be punctual as late arrivals may affect dining rhythm.-Dining duration is approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. Please allocate sufficient time to enjoy the meal.【Dining Guidelines】-Dress code:Ladies: Avoid flip-flops.Gentlemen: Avoid flip-flops and open-toed sandals.-Due to limited space, pets are not allowed.For birthday or anniversary celebrations, please notify us at least three days in advance.【BYOB Guidelines】Corkage fee for bringing your own wine is NT$500 per bottle (750ml), and NT$1000 per bottle for 1.5L wine or 1L spirits.For the best dining experience, please review the above reservation instructions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you.For any further inquiries, feel free to contact us via info@impromptu.com.tw or phone.
Photo du restaurant H.T.Burger 東方饌黔天下貴州主題餐廳
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Datong District
餐廳資訊繁中東方饌黔天下貴州主題餐廳營業時間午間週一至週日 11:30-14:30Last Order 14:00晚間週一至週日 18斯17:30-21:30Last Order 21:00*您可以預訂明天至一個月內的訂位。*本餐廳酌收 10% 服務費。*超過 10位以上訂位,請於營業時間來電通知。我們將有專人為您安排。*開瓶費本店特別提供烈酒中式白酒優惠免收開瓶費自備葡萄酒需要有葡萄酒杯服務者,酌收取開瓶費300元,若帶兩款以上葡萄酒需要換杯服務,則另外收取一次開瓶費(不換杯則免收取)團體聚餐自備葡萄酒開瓶費收取方式另議*慶生聚餐需求可特別來電提出,本餐廳將準備壽星小禮*來賓有素食需求,敬請來電確認素食種類及人數【預約注意事項】* 訂位保留 15 分鐘。訂位將保留 15 分鐘,如超過時間將自動取消訂位,由現場候位客人候補用餐或視現場狀況重新安排座位。* 線上訂位如額滿,可用電話查詢。系統提供 30 日內的訂位,若無法選擇想要時段,代表「線上訂位」名額已達上限,您可以撥打現場訂位專線,確認現場有無座位釋出。*更改當日用餐人數。用餐當日如需增減人數,請提早撥打現場專線通知,本餐廳將視現場情況作調整。*行動不便、兒童椅等特殊需求。餐廳備有一樓及二樓座位,將按訂位順序安排;若有行動不便或特殊需求,請直接來電確認,勿透過線上訂位系統。*午間時段用餐時間較短暫或需快速用完餐點等特殊需求。本餐廳餐點為現場新鮮準備,為保留食物的營養與風味,我們不預煮料理。商業午間時段,如用餐時間較急促,建議於營業時間內撥打專線,提前點餐,以方便為您準備。*提供 2F 包廂服務,可容納 46座席。包廂目前尚未開放線上訂位,如有特殊包廂訂位需求,請於營業時間內撥打專線洽詢,將由現場專員為您提供服務。* 提供公司聚餐、商務會議等特殊活動需求。如有特殊商務聚餐、會議等活動用餐需求,請於營業時間內撥打專線洽詢,將有專員為您提供客製服務。* 提供尾牙、春酒等特殊包場服務。關於尾牙、春酒等特別節日用餐,我們提供客製化的餐點服務,請於營業時間內撥打專線洽詢,將有專員為您提供客製服務。* 提供國宴級外燴服務。關於記者會、商品發表會、藝文活動或餐酒會等特別活動需求,我們提供客製化的精緻外燴服務,請於營業時間內撥打專線洽詢,將有專員為您提供客製服務。*提供團隊到府用餐服務。針對隱私性較高的特別派對、私人活動,我們專業團隊到府服務,將依您現場活動人數、設備、用餐需求,提供客製化的精緻餐點,請於營業時間內撥打專線洽詢,將有專員為您提供客製服務。超過 10人的訂位,請使用電話預約 (02 25577872)我要訂位餐廳資訊餐廳位置103台北市大同區迪化街一段358之2號聯絡電話02 25577872餐廳菜單眾多且做工繁雜敬請參考以下菜單聯結,可先行決定點菜內容,並來電告知以利作業安排,或者由現場服務人員跟據來賓需求推薦人氣招牌菜色http://qingtianxia.oddle.me
Photo du restaurant 金色三麥 京站店
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Datong District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant Lawry’s Prime Rib
Prix : très cher
• American • District de Xinyi
Réservé 8 fois aujourd'hui
# Reservation Notes**1. Online reservations are available for up to 6 people. For bookings exceeding 6 people or for private rooms, please call our reservation line at 02-2729-8555.****2. We do not accept seat assignments. Please inform us by phone if you have special needs (such as mobility issues, wheelchair access, etc.).****3. For celebrations and wedding anniversaries, please indicate your purpose during the reservation. We will provide a celebratory mini-cake and offer on-site photography and singing to celebrate.****4. After making a reservation, you will receive a Line or SMS notification. If you need to cancel your reservation, simply click the cancellation link in the message.****5. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes.****6. A corkage fee will be charged for bringing your own beverages: NT$1,500 per bottle (750ml or less) for wine and NT$2,000 per bottle (750ml or less) for spirits.****7. Dining with us allows you to offset parking fees at Breeze Center Parking Lot: NT$1,000 consumption equals 1 hour parking deduction, up to 5 hours per day.****8. For self-pickup orders, please contact the following:** - [Online Ordering](https://iwhispering.com/pt_module2/public/meals2/1656819204/home?outside=1)
Photo du restaurant 茹絲葵牛排館 Ruth's Chris Steak House 台北民生店 Minsheng, Taipei
Prix : très cher
• American • Songshan District
Réservé 1 fois aujourd'hui
【營業時間】午餐:11:30-15:00 (最後點餐時間:14:00)晚餐:17:30-22:30 (最後點餐時間:21:00)【訂位須知】・開放訂位時間:本餐廳每月1日11:30 AM開放次月的訂位,可同時接受當月及次月整個月的訂位。特殊節日如情人節、耶誕節等另訂開放時間。・線上訂位僅接受六人(含)以下訂位,若訂位人數超過七人(含)以上或包廂預訂請於營業時間電洽各門市或e-mail與我們聯繫。・訂位需預先綁定每人新台幣500元整,於期限內完成信用卡綁訂預付程序並收到確認郵件/簡訊,即視為訂位成功。・完成訂位前請再次確認訂位日期、用餐時間、訂位大名、人數及食材禁忌等。・線上系統僅接受VISA、MASTER、JCB。・本餐廳僅接電話、官方網站上的『聯絡我們』及官網線上訂位系統方式預約訂位。恕不接受經由社群軟體留言,訊息或其他非官方網站等地訂位,感謝您的諒解。・訂位保留15分鐘,未能準時出席,請電話(02-25458888)通知訂位門市。・如需更改或取消預訂,最晚請於訂位時間前6小時,來電或透過網路訂位系統進行變更。・若於用餐前6小時以內取消、或當天未抵達用餐之訂位,將收取每人500元臨時取消費用(款項將自預定時輸入之信用卡收取)。・訂位時註明特殊用餐需求(飲食禁忌/過敏食材/慶祝姓名備註/服務語言)・因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。・如有私人包場或特別活動訂位需求, 請透過電話或電子郵件 (taipei.ms@ruthschris.com.tw) 與我們聯絡。・每週五、六、日及特殊節日晚餐時段,用餐時間為兩小時。・5/3-5/5、5/10-5/12、5/20午、晚餐每位大人至少需點一份主餐。【注意事項】・禁用外食/外帶飲料。・如有特殊需求或協助,請備註欄內註記。(兒童椅、行動不便者)・座位安排依現場狀況為準,不接受指定座位服務。・餐廳空間有限,如需更改人數請提前告知。・恕不接受寵物入內(導盲犬除外)。・自備酒水酌收開瓶費NT$ 500 (以750ml為基準如超過以倍數計算),烈酒每瓶NT$1000。・請不要穿著帶有歧視或攻擊性語言的衣服、過於暴露的內衣、短褲與背心與居家拖鞋。【交通資訊】・無特約停車場。假日中午11:30-14:00與每天晚上17:30-21:00提供代客泊車服務。(需收費$200)・大眾運輸:捷運:中山國中捷運站步行約10分鐘;公車:台北長庚醫院與民生敦化路口步行3分鐘。
Photo du restaurant TGI FRIDAYS 西門餐廳Hsi-men Restaurant
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Wanhua District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant Stan & Cat 史丹貓美式餐廳 西門店
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Wanhua District
Coming Soon!
Photo du restaurant Le Blanc
Prix : très cher
• American • Da'an District
Réservé 3 fois aujourd'hui
***Attention****Store closing for remodeling from 11st to 26th Jun.Due to our limited lobsters everyday, please reserve in the comments at least 3 days in advance when making the reservation, otherwise we can not guarantee availability.Our Burgers are also limited daily, but are not available to be reserved, please kindly ask our staff while ordering to check.Booking time for Lunch: 11:30-14:00 (14:30 Last Call)Booking time for Dinner: 17:30-20:30 (21:00 Last Call)Our dinner service is organized in two seatings.First Seating: 18:00 or 18:30 booking, dining time will be 2 hours until 20:00 or 20:30.Second Seating: 20:00 or 20:30, no time limit.For the guests who book on 11:30 or 12:00 for lunch, dining time will also be 2 hours until 13:30 or 14:00.*Please book seats for kids, but baby chairs are not available
Photo du restaurant Kitty Taipei
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Da'an District
Réservé 2 fois aujourd'hui
Kitty Taipei 於2020年創立,結合最美味的食物、最香醇的酒水與打造最道地的水菸,提供給消費者最特別的消費體驗,Kitty Taipei秉持著對美式文化的熱愛與深刻的研究,致力打造充滿異國感的娛樂空間,彷彿走入經典美國電影場景中,在充滿陽光的Diner用餐與品嘗萬惡之都的浪漫,如果今晚你想去一個特別的Party或創造一個難忘的記憶,不用想了,來KittyTaipei吧!
Photo du restaurant 貳樓 微風台北車站店
Prix : raisonnable
• American • Zhongzheng District
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